CS Weekly Update: Issue #1
This is the very first installment of what I would like to call the CS Week in Review (CS Weekly Update). I will recap the events of past week on the forums in no particular order, topic or member. This has been a very busy week so here goes nuttin!
I will start off with the discussion topic about Easter Sunrises which lasted for about 3 posts yet the topic has 65 posts at
the time of this article. Appaholic posted some very nice photos of the sunrise on Easter morning and was possibly looking for some praise to either a) his photo taking abilities, b) that he has a church in his front yard or c) he is indirectly looking for a landscaper to remove the dead tree in his front yard. My guess was a but as the topic ended up talking about what mountains were, I was educated on the high points of the east coast. I saw that a pig trough that looked like some sort of device from an Austin Powers movie was the highest point in Iowa. I learned that the highest point in Florida is 345 ft above sea level and that Appaholic was both literally & figuratively, the highest person on the east coast at one point in time, which in my book is quite an achievement.
The next topic I am going to discuss that brought some great discussion to the forums this past week was the news that the University of North Dakota (UND) was retiring the “Fighting Sioux” nickname. There were many suggestions as to new names. Some include: Buffalo, Icemen, Northstars, Reapers, Flickertails, Kotes, Biglanders and the most popular was Susan B. Anthony.
Armanti is now on ESPN with his Vignette but the thread quickly turned into a discussion about porn and if the young female in Skjellyfetti‘s signature was old enough to be doing such acts. So the burning question we have been wondering for years… who’s more popular, one of the Greatest FCS Quarterbacks to play football or a 20 something year old girl sitting on an exercise ball. The verdict is in and the results show the latter, sorry Armanti.
Tiger Woods made his first appearance in the golf world after a five month hiatus due to some “minor” personal issues he was trying to deal with (you may have heard about this but if not, Google Tiger Woods). This week Nike put out a new commercial in which Tiger was seen staring at the camera with his late father Earl Woods asking him questions as to why he did what he did and such. This commercial has come across as shameless, controversial and more… what do you think?
Now you may be wondering what the two greatest stories of the week are? Wonder no more. CID1990 received the Best Goddamn Haircut Ever. Haircut, head massage, eyebrow plucking and more for a measly $2.75. I do believe he made it an even $3 with tip though. It’s a decent read on his experience and maybe you can find out where this place is and experience it yourself and compare notes.
The last “best” story of the week was not D1B retiring from CS, but retiring from retirement threads. As you all know D1B retires from CS quite often, usually once a week or so after long nights of drinking O’douls, smoking candy cigarettes and watching the latest showing of Gone with the Wind. This week was the exception, after his latest un-retirement of his previous retirement, D1B vowed not to retire again until June 1st in which he says he will not return. This is just a few days after the release of Sex and the City 2 so there has to be some correlation. I’ll leave that up for you to decide. I will be starting a pool on the forums to take bets for when he does retire, whether he will retire more than once before that, if he will hold to his word on June 1st and we will also be planning the celebration for June 2nd.
This has been your CS Weekly Update! Enjoy!
Nice recap! These things are pretty funny.
HAHAHAHAHA…Fucking epic.
Also, sodomy.
A fantastic idea Chris! I love the thing, in spite of the fact that me and Grizo’s ego’s weren’t stroked.
Work on that and it will be perfect.
One spelling error to correct…”indirctly” in the 2nd paragraph, 8 lines down.
Thanks, It’s hard to fit everyone in every week but I’ll do my best. You were away most of the week anyways
Oh Chris…If I’m ever lumping me & Grizo in the same group you should know I’m completely joking.
I look forward to a full article on me next week.
and you thought I was being serious? Hmmm… I might need to make my sarcasm a little more pronounced
The smilies help but I can’t see how to use them on the blog page. I was really just using it to make some comments on the blog post page since it’s so easy. Pretend there is a “thumbs up” here.
My imagination is at work
Great job, Chris!
I agree with Ursus’ first comment! But, in his second comment, he did the same thing to me, he accused you of doing to the both of us!??!
You’re much better than that double standard practicing panty liner!
Here’s hoping that you don’t take your superb writing skills down the same path that Ursus has!
This was funny, I laughed out loud quite a bit.
Also, sodomy. Wait.. someone else used that already.
A recap of the weekly threads. Almost as funny as a poll of the week’s polls.
Nice work, Lindsay.
haha, good stuff. Can’t wait for next week.