Cap'n Cat wrote:And, whereas I agree with your professor's assertion, it's also true that contemporary historians are, by and large, attempting to make sense of, and often correcting the abuses, lies, half-truths, outright dogma and misinformation promulgated by characters in the past. In the case of centuries of Catholic apologists, they have entyire mountain ranges of fertile ground through which to plow. History isn't necessarily confined to the past, but rather, itself goes through multiple ruminations to find the truth. It evolves.
Again, I agree with you, and I think he warned against not all contemporary historians, but those who have a social or political agenda, precisely for that reason. (Obviously, he is a contemporary historian himself, and pretty accomplished one to boot).
But the revisionist history about the Catholic Church tends to the overkill, for the political and social purpose of discrediting the moral message of the Church today.
By way of one example, let's examine the statement that the Catholic Church brutalized the natives of Central America. What actually happened, is that the Spanish Crown organized the military adventures of the Conquistadors in the new world, for the purpose of expanding its political reach and wealth. Now, granted the Conquistadors were overwhelming Catholic, as was most of Spain, and granted too that Catholic missionaries traveled with the Conquistadors.
History records that the Conquistadors plundered the natives, took wealth and send it back to Spain (keeping their negotiated portion of the bounty for themselves), and forced many conversions under the threat of death they carried out so frequently.
But NONE of these activities were sanctioned by the Catholic Church. In fact, the reason we know with a great degree of historical certainty about what happened is because many of the Catholic clergy traveling with the Conquistadors reported back to their superiors with great alarm over what was happening, which ultimately resulted in the Pope issuing a condemnation of the events.
Or let's look at the Inquisition. Now I'm not going to tell you that the Inquisition was a wonderful thing. But first, the reason the Church started the Inquisition was because civil authorities were routinely imposing death sentences for heresy. So the Church sought to exercise jurisdiction over heresy trials; provide the accused with the ability to defend against the charges (which was not allowed by the civil authorities); and to permit the accused to recant if found guilty. Additionally, the Church rarely ordered a death sentence or imposed torture (which it lacked ability to carry out). Not a great thing, but not the monstrosity reported by contemporary historians.
In fact, contemporary historians with a bias against the Church
intentionally obscure the difference between the Catholic Inquisition and the Spanish Inquisition. They were not one and the same. The Spanish Inquisition was authorized by the Spanish Crown; it was condemned by the Pope as being cruel and unauthorized; and it was more used for political reasons than to maintain Catholic purity.
The Spanish Inquisition was the brutal and excessive Inquisition people commonly think of today. Due to being so actively misled, people believe that the Spanish Inquisition was one and the same with the Catholic Inquisition, when the Spanish Inquisition was never authorized by the Church and was, in fact, condemned by the Church.