Cultural appropriation ..... WTF

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Re: Cultural appropriation ..... WTF

Post by houndawg »

Ibanez wrote:
Chizzang wrote:
You seem pretty touchy about your belief that the old Trumpster is a financial wizard...

Your quote was this:
"I have to believe that a man worth 100s of millions of dollars has some financial skill. Otherwise, we're all doing something very, very wrong."

That ^ dingbat response is what I'm talking about
You equate skill to being a genius? :suspicious: :rofl: I have some musical skills but i'm not a genius when it comes to playing guitar. That's a stretch. Keep on, keepin on. :thumb:
You equate inheriting millions with skill? :ohno:
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Re: Cultural appropriation ..... WTF

Post by houndawg »

andy7171 wrote:
Chizzang wrote:I'm all in on the RAPTURE..!!!
Jesus is coming back and we're all in trouble


I read that somewhere so I'm pretty sure it's true
If it were to ever come, I am not worried.
I'll be picking up some great stuff from my neighbors when they fly away up into the sky.
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Re: RE: Re: Cultural appropriation ..... WTF

Post by Bisonfanatical »

houndawg wrote:
Chizzang wrote:
White kids have been copying black kids since the way back times...
Before Elvis copied the black kids and delivered a product to whites that was a black thing
Before white musicians appropriated jazz
Even before we borrowed Blues from black men

We've been taking black ideas and black culture as far back as you can look

Disco / Rap / Jazz / Blues / you name it... we stole e'm all


This is not a new "thing" just starting with this generation
Even bluegrass. No banjo (African), no bluegrass.
I can picture it now, African red-necks getting together for a good ol' fashioned barn dance. Probably invented the square-dance?
Learn something every day, brings a whole new meaning to the inner city term "hoe-down"?

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Re: Cultural appropriation ..... WTF

Post by houndawg »

CID1990 wrote:
Bisonfanatical wrote:
True in part about the assimilation of beliefs by the conquering armies, however,
Christmas was instituted by a Pagan sun-god worshiping Roman Emperor named Constantine. Both the timing and the intention were based upon the "myth" of the rising sun god of the winter solstice, called by various names in various countries. Nothing about it is based upon the God of the Hebrew Bible nor upon the Messiah of the "New Testament".

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Long before there was "Christmas" there were holidays celebrating the winter solstice in pretty much every Indo-European culture. Christmas just supplanted those as Christianity spread. The Romans (before they were Christian after Constantine) had Saturnalia which predates Constantine by many hundreds of years, which was then replaced with Christmas around 400 AD. In fact, the setting of December 25th as the birthdate of Jesus was largely to entice pagan celebrants of Saturnalia.

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Exactly. If you can't beat them join them.
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Re: Cultural appropriation ..... WTF

Post by Ibanez »

houndawg wrote:
Ibanez wrote:You equate skill to being a genius? :suspicious: :rofl: I have some musical skills but i'm not a genius when it comes to playing guitar. That's a stretch. Keep on, keepin on. :thumb:
You equate inheriting millions with skill? :ohno:
I didn't say that. If he has inherited millions and lost it then that'd be one thing. But he turned millions into billions. Clitz is hung up on the fact that 20 yrs ago, he business suffered a loss. And we all know, businesses never suffer losses or go bankrupt.
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Re: RE: Re: Cultural appropriation ..... WTF

Post by houndawg »

Bisonfanatical wrote:
houndawg wrote:
Even bluegrass. No banjo (African), no bluegrass.
I can picture it now, African red-necks getting together for a good ol' fashioned barn dance. Probably invented the square-dance?
Learn something every day, brings a whole new meaning to the inner city term "hoe-down"?

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They've been doing it for centuries. If you'd like to hear some black folk getting with it on banjos and fiddles check out the Rhiannon Giddens and the Carolina Chocolate Drops for an example of cultural appropriation going in both directions.
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Re: Cultural appropriation ..... WTF

Post by houndawg »

Ibanez wrote:
houndawg wrote:
You equate inheriting millions with skill? :ohno:
I didn't say that. If he has inherited millions and lost it then that'd be one thing. But he turned millions into billions. Clitz is hung up on the fact that 20 yrs ago, he business suffered a loss. And we all know, businesses never suffer losses or go bankrupt.
I'd be a lot more impressed if he hadn't been born on third base. :coffee:

And if you're right how did he get in so deep to the Russian mob?
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Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Cultural appropriation ..... WTF

Post by houndawg »

Ibanez wrote:
Bisonfanatical wrote: This is all true, however there also was no one named "jesus" 2000 years ago either, there were no J's in either the ancient Greek, Hebrew, or Latin.
The name above all names, the "only" one given for redemption was "changed" from Yeshua.
They changed and paganized the whole message, not good for salvation but sure makes the "kiddies" smile .. lol

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They also mistranslated words like 'young woman' into 'virgin.'

And to continue on what you've posted, show me 12 guys in the ME with names like Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul, Thomas, etc....
Thomas is Aramaic, the main language of Jesus' time and place, for "a twin". :coffee:
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Re: Cultural appropriation ..... WTF

Post by CID1990 »

Bisonfanatical wrote:
houndawg wrote:
Not unexpected since Jesus is basically a recycled sun god myth.
Jesus is an invented name that is only about 500 years old for a person who existed 2000 years ago.
It is a myth, if you study that bible from the 1st half to the 2nd half you will not come to this sun-god myth.
We read from the 2nd half to the 1st half after drinking the kool-aid supplied by the "doctrines of demons" of the western church.
Having said that, I do believe in that Messiah, and the God of the Tanakh, as revealed in the Tanakh

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Dude shows up and bashes Iron Age superstitions on the premise that they are just recycled Stone Age superstitions

Then it turns out that you were just playing smug atheist and actually believe in an Iron Age superstition

I like you - you're going to fit in here perfectly

Maybe you've already recognized your soulmates in pretending to be something you're not behind an intellectual veneer- but if you haven't, let me introduce you to klam

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Re: RE: Re: Cultural appropriation ..... WTF

Post by Bisonfanatical »

CID1990 wrote:
Bisonfanatical wrote: Right.
Jesus is an invented name that is only about 500 years old for a person who existed 2000 years ago.
It is a myth, if you study that bible from the 1st half to the 2nd half you will not come to this sun-god myth.
We read from the 2nd half to the 1st half after drinking the kool-aid supplied by the "doctrines of demons" of the western church.
Having said that, I do believe in that Messiah, and the God of the Tanakh, as revealed in the Tanakh

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Dude shows up and bashes Iron Age superstitions on the premise that they are just recycled Stone Age superstitions

Then it turns out that you were just playing smug atheist and actually believe in an Iron Age superstition

I like you - you're going to fit in here perfectly

Maybe you've already recognized your soulmates in pretending to be something you're not behind an intellectual veneer- but if you haven't, let me introduce you to klam

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Thank you for this post because sometimes it is hard to convey my belief and hard to understand every body's belief on every issue 100% of the time.

I am not an athiest who doesn't believe in a god, I am an ex-christian (born again/baptized) who has studied the bible the way it was written and not the way I was taught.
The sun-god/fertility goddess of the Babylonian (babel) period has carried thru to many cultures, and the western church stole the God of the Hebrews and paganized Him into the same babel nonsense.
Christians believe in a god named God, Islam believes in a god named God, Wow, how convenient, a universal one size fits all god. Jesus/Mary is a new name for sun-god/fertility goddess worship.
They have morphed their Jesus into the Pagan 3 headed god.
This does not coincide with the Tanakh or the God who declared his "name" as Yehovah or his Messiah (not christ) who He named Yeshua.
To bad nobody starts a "religious" thread for these conversations.

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Re: Cultural appropriation ..... WTF

Post by kalm »

CID1990 wrote:
Bisonfanatical wrote: Right.
Jesus is an invented name that is only about 500 years old for a person who existed 2000 years ago.
It is a myth, if you study that bible from the 1st half to the 2nd half you will not come to this sun-god myth.
We read from the 2nd half to the 1st half after drinking the kool-aid supplied by the "doctrines of demons" of the western church.
Having said that, I do believe in that Messiah, and the God of the Tanakh, as revealed in the Tanakh

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Dude shows up and bashes Iron Age superstitions on the premise that they are just recycled Stone Age superstitions

Then it turns out that you were just playing smug atheist and actually believe in an Iron Age superstition

I like you - you're going to fit in here perfectly

Maybe you've already recognized your soulmates in pretending to be something you're not behind an intellectual veneer- but if you haven't, let me introduce you to klam

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Re: Cultural appropriation ..... WTF

Post by CID1990 »

kalm wrote:
CID1990 wrote:

Dude shows up and bashes Iron Age superstitions on the premise that they are just recycled Stone Age superstitions

Then it turns out that you were just playing smug atheist and actually believe in an Iron Age superstition

I like you - you're going to fit in here perfectly

Maybe you've already recognized your soulmates in pretending to be something you're not behind an intellectual veneer- but if you haven't, let me introduce you to klam

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Those not immediately smitten with my charm and wit are eventually blinded by kalm's rigorous questioning and fierce logic!
You needed some company now you got it :)

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Re: RE: Re: Cultural appropriation ..... WTF

Post by Ibanez »

houndawg wrote:
Bisonfanatical wrote: I can picture it now, African red-necks getting together for a good ol' fashioned barn dance. Probably invented the square-dance?
Learn something every day, brings a whole new meaning to the inner city term "hoe-down"?

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They've been doing it for centuries. If you'd like to hear some black folk getting with it on banjos and fiddles check out the Rhiannon Giddens and the Carolina Chocolate Drops for an example of cultural appropriation going in both directions.
I love the CCD. They were great.
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Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Cultural appropriation ..... WTF

Post by Bisonfanatical »

Ibanez wrote:
houndawg wrote:
They've been doing it for centuries. If you'd like to hear some black folk getting with it on banjos and fiddles check out the Rhiannon Giddens and the Carolina Chocolate Drops for an example of cultural appropriation going in both directions.
I love the CCD. They were great.
Expecially their rendition of "raindrops keep falling on my head".
Obviously stolen from African heritige, really crass.

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Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Cultural appropriation ..... WTF

Post by houndawg »

Bisonfanatical wrote:
Ibanez wrote: I love the CCD. They were great.
Expecially their rendition of "raindrops keep falling on my head".
Obviously stolen from African heritige, really crass.

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