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Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:18 pm
by Screamin_Eagle174
:chair: :popcorn:

Re: **** **** **** **** MOTHERFUCKING ****

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:39 pm
by houndawg
grizzaholic wrote:
houndawg wrote:
Hey, I understand: you're transferring you ill feelings about Wyoming to me. That's OK, after playing second fiddle to Wyoming in sports and just about everything but inbreeding for so long, you need to lash out. I'm here for you, man.
Next time you want to talk about something get some knowledge about it first jerkoff.
Well, OK, assface, educate me. WTF is your beef with the wolves? Last time we talked your beef was that wolves kill cattle. To which I responded that domestic dogpacks kill more cattle than wolves and digestive problems kill far more cattle than all predators combined. On top of that ranchers get reimbursed for wolf kills by your hippie friends (not to mention pasture rent that would make any welfare queen green with envy), so what, exactly, is your beef. Do you make your living hunting wolves or something?


Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:43 pm
by andy7171
I feel bad for Grizza, because he seems to be really REALLY angered by this. But seriously, I can't even fathom being concerned about WOLVES even coming close to affecting my life. I went to the zoo today and we loved the stik coming off the maned wolf.

Re: **** **** **** **** MOTHERFUCKING ****

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:44 pm
by grizzaholic
houndawg wrote:
grizzaholic wrote:
Next time you want to talk about something get some knowledge about it first jerkoff.
Well, OK, assface, educate me. WTF is your beef with the wolves? Last time we talked your beef was that wolves kill cattle. To which I responded that domestic dogpacks kill more cattle than wolves and digestive problems kill far more cattle than all predators combined. On top of that ranchers get reimbursed for wolf kills by your hippie friends (not to mention pasture rent that would make any welfare queen green with envy), so what, exactly, is your beef. Do you make your living hunting wolves or something?
Haven't you killed yourself yet? I hear that eating a whole bottle of sleeping pills works great. Screw off.


Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:51 pm
by grizzaholic
andy7171 wrote:I feel bad for Grizza, because he seems to be really REALLY angered by this. But seriously, I can't even fathom being concerned about WOLVES even coming close to affecting my life. I went to the zoo today and we loved the stik coming off the maned wolf.
If something that you love and cherish gets taken away from you and the local government and your elected officials do everything they can to speed up the process, wouldn't you be upset?


Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:55 pm
by andy7171
grizzaholic wrote:
andy7171 wrote:I feel bad for Grizza, because he seems to be really REALLY angered by this. But seriously, I can't even fathom being concerned about WOLVES even coming close to affecting my life. I went to the zoo today and we loved the stik coming off the maned wolf.
If something that you love and cherish gets taken away from you and the local government and your elected officials do everything they can to speed up the process, wouldn't you be upset?
Like I said, I can't equate. I admire your dedication to this issue. But when it comes down to what I love and cherish? We are down to my kids and wife, before I get as emotional as you in this. That's all dude. :thumb:

Re: **** **** **** **** MOTHERFUCKING ****

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:16 am
Couldn't the state of Montana say to the fed judge ok, you ordered no hunting of wolves, you enforce it, we're not going to use local & state funds to enforce no hunting of wolves as far as local, state & private property goes? The feds by themselves don't have the manpower to enforce such an edict outside of federal land, and I don't see how they can force the state to use state funds to enforce it on local, state, and private land.

Re: **** **** **** **** MOTHERFUCKING ****

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:34 am
by citdog
BDKJMU wrote:Couldn't the state of Montana say to the fed judge ok, you ordered no hunting of wolves, you enforce it, we're not going to use local & state funds to enforce no hunting of wolves as far as local, state & private property goes? The feds by themselves don't have the manpower to enforce such an edict outside of federal land, and I don't see how they can force the state to use state funds to enforce it on local, state, and private land.

YES!!!!!! The doctrine of the eminent Statesman and notable son of South Carolina Mr. John C. Calhoun :notworthy: ! NULLIFICATION!!!!!!! An idea whose time has come......AGAIN!

Re: **** **** **** **** MOTHERFUCKING ****

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:43 am
by houndawg
grizzaholic wrote:
houndawg wrote:
Well, OK, assface, educate me. WTF is your beef with the wolves? Last time we talked your beef was that wolves kill cattle. To which I responded that domestic dogpacks kill more cattle than wolves and digestive problems kill far more cattle than all predators combined. On top of that ranchers get reimbursed for wolf kills by your hippie friends (not to mention pasture rent that would make any welfare queen green with envy), so what, exactly, is your beef. Do you make your living hunting wolves or something?
Haven't you killed yourself yet? I hear that eating a whole bottle of sleeping pills works great. Screw off.

I'm really busy these days, work, house addition for the missus, twins in college...... I just don't know when I can find the time.
Thanks for the thoughtful PM, though.

sniveling bitch.

Re: **** **** **** **** MOTHERFUCKING ****

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:45 am
by grizzaholic
BDKJMU wrote:Couldn't the state of Montana say to the fed judge ok, you ordered no hunting of wolves, you enforce it, we're not going to use local & state funds to enforce no hunting of wolves as far as local, state & private property goes? The feds by themselves don't have the manpower to enforce such an edict outside of federal land, and I don't see how they can force the state to use state funds to enforce it on local, state, and private land.
On the 10:00pm news last night the news folks were talking to people on the street after the judgment was handed down. Out of perhaps 10 folks they spoke with 8 were for killing the wolves and said the people of Montana will deal with this problem be it legal or not.

Re: **** **** **** **** MOTHERFUCKING ****

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:46 am
by grizzaholic
houndawg wrote:
grizzaholic wrote:
Haven't you killed yourself yet? I hear that eating a whole bottle of sleeping pills works great. Screw off.

I'm really busy these days, work, house addition for the missus, twins in college...... I just don't know when I can find the time.
Thanks for the thoughtful PM, though.

sniveling bitch.

Cannot believe you woke up this morning. Too bad for the rest of us. :thumbdown:

Re: **** **** **** **** MOTHERFUCKING ****

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:02 am
by houndawg
grizzaholic wrote:
houndawg wrote:

I'm really busy these days, work, house addition for the missus, twins in college...... I just don't know when I can find the time.
Thanks for the thoughtful PM, though.

sniveling bitch.

Cannot believe you woke up this morning. Too bad for the rest of us. :thumbdown:

Now, now, sweetheart, that kind of negative thinking doesn't help anybody and may even be harmful to your health.


Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:15 am
by Cap'n Cat
Me, I'm four square for the wolves. They were here first.

Don't like 'em eatin' your chickens and cows? Go vegan.



Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:22 am
by grizzaholic
Cap'n Cat wrote:Me, I'm four square for the wolves. They were here first.

Don't like 'em eatin' your chickens and cows? Go vegan.

Typical. Don't you have some houndawg related porn to go jerk off too. Fuck you too fat man. Go pass a kidney stone.

PS fatty,

They have always been here. Just now, they are like alcoholic gambler's and have been given the keys to a liquor store and casino.

Re: **** **** **** **** MOTHERFUCKING ****

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:17 am
by houndawg
grizzaholic wrote:
Cap'n Cat wrote:Me, I'm four square for the wolves. They were here first.

Don't like 'em eatin' your chickens and cows? Go vegan.

Typical. Don't you have some houndawg related porn to go jerk off too. **** you too fat man. Go pass a kidney stone.

PS fatty,

They have always been here. Just now, they are like alcoholic gambler's and have been given the keys to a liquor store and casino.

:cry: Waaah.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 11:30 am
by ASUG8
Wow :shock: feels like I walked into a manic Catamountman thread. :o

Re: **** **** **** **** MOTHERFUCKING ****

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:19 pm
by houndawg
grizzaholic wrote:
andy7171 wrote:I feel bad for Grizza, because he seems to be really REALLY angered by this. But seriously, I can't even fathom being concerned about WOLVES even coming close to affecting my life. I went to the zoo today and we loved the stik coming off the maned wolf.
If something that you love and cherish gets taken away from you and the local government and your elected officials do everything they can to speed up the process, wouldn't you be upset?

What happened, did wolves bang your girlfriend or something? Scare you on the way to the outhouse?

You need to relax a little; wolves have their place just like everything else under the sun, and they don't hurt nobody.

Here grizza, sing it with me:

To everything
(turn turn turn)
There is a season
(turn turn turn)
and a time to every purpose
under heaven...........

Don't you feel better now? Try to see the big picture in the Web of Life, there's a good sport.... :clap:

Re: **** **** **** **** MOTHERFUCKING ****

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:14 pm
grizzaholic wrote:
BDKJMU wrote:Couldn't the state of Montana say to the fed judge ok, you ordered no hunting of wolves, you enforce it, we're not going to use local & state funds to enforce no hunting of wolves as far as local, state & private property goes? The feds by themselves don't have the manpower to enforce such an edict outside of federal land, and I don't see how they can force the state to use state funds to enforce it on local, state, and private land.
On the 10:00pm news last night the news folks were talking to people on the street after the judgment was handed down. Out of perhaps 10 folks they spoke with 8 were for killing the wolves and said the people of Montana will deal with this problem be it legal or not.
Glad to hear that. Sympathize with your plight. If I was a rancher I'd shoot any wolves I could I saw roaming my property and then burn or bury the evidence. I wouldn't turn in anyone else who I knew did the same thing, and I'd contribute to a legal fund for those few who were caught by and prosecuted by the feds. Like I said, I would hope the localities and state wouldn't be taken any enforcement action in this unfunded fed mandate... Hope that's what most of the ranchers do.

I remember when I was in Montana/Wyoming/Idaho for 9 days back in the summer of 03' doing the vacation thing (highlight was Yellowstone/Grand Tetons) I remember seeing a # of anti wolves/anti fed yard signs. Do you see a lot of pro killing of wolves yard signs, bumpers stickers, t-shirts etc, in Montana?

Re: **** **** **** **** MOTHERFUCKING ****

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:35 pm
by Ursus A. Horribilis
BDKJMU wrote:
grizzaholic wrote:
On the 10:00pm news last night the news folks were talking to people on the street after the judgment was handed down. Out of perhaps 10 folks they spoke with 8 were for killing the wolves and said the people of Montana will deal with this problem be it legal or not.
Glad to hear that. Sympathize with your plight. If I was a rancher I'd shoot any wolves I could I saw roaming my property and then burn or bury the evidence. I wouldn't turn in anyone else who I knew did the same thing, and I'd contribute to a legal fund for those few who were caught by and prosecuted by the feds. Like I said, I would hope the localities and state wouldn't be taken any enforcement action in this unfunded fed mandate... Hope that's what most of the ranchers do.

I remember when I was in Montana/Wyoming/Idaho for 9 days back in the summer of 03' doing the vacation thing (highlight was Yellowstone/Grand Tetons) I remember seeing a # of anti wolves/anti fed yard signs. Do you see a lot of pro killing of wolves yard signs, bumpers stickers, t-shirts etc, in Montana?
There is an understanding amongst many, many of the Montana folk that we do what we need to do and keep our mouths shut about it. If you know a guy with a hog farm then just about anything can be recycled and turned back into the environment without even grabbing a shovel. :lol:

Re: **** **** **** **** MOTHERFUCKING ****

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:00 pm
by native
grizzaholic wrote:...Wyoming is thinking rationally about this and wants the wolf to be hunted like coyotes. Shoot on sight 365. No limits, no nothing. Now that they are here they will never ever be gone. No way we could shoot enough to eradicate them now. Trapping and poisoning is the only way to kill them off and they won't let us legally use poison.
Interesting point. There must be several scientific studies about wolves and hunting. Could you share the references?

Re: **** **** **** **** MOTHERFUCKING ****

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:26 pm
by Hansel
I think we should re-introduce the sabre-tooth cat to the Yellowstone area as well

Re: **** **** **** **** MOTHERFUCKING ****

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:10 am
by houndawg
native wrote:
grizzaholic wrote:...Wyoming is thinking rationally about this and wants the wolf to be hunted like coyotes. Shoot on sight 365. No limits, no nothing. Now that they are here they will never ever be gone. No way we could shoot enough to eradicate them now. Trapping and poisoning is the only way to kill them off and they won't let us legally use poison.
Interesting point. There must be several scientific studies about wolves and hunting. Could you share the references?

He doesn't want to see those, gets him barking mad when he sees how few cattle are actually killed by wolves.

Personally, I think that the populations are to where ranchers should be allowed to shoot them on sight, but not use traps or poison.


Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:12 am
by Grizalltheway
I heard Obama was raised by Muslim zombie wolves in Pakistan. That must be the underlying cause of all of this. :nod:

Re: **** **** **** **** MOTHERFUCKING ****

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 6:49 pm
by JohnStOnge
The Endangered Species Act is a bad law. I realize I'm pissing in the wind when I say it ought to be repealed but it ought to be repealed. We shouldn't have a law to try to keep species from going extinct. Species are going to go extinct. Recently I saw one estimate that "scientists" estimate that 97% of species that have existed on this planet are extinct. I personally suspect that's a low estimate and that it's really >99%.

Having the Endangered Species Act creates a situation in which Environmentalist zealots can wreak all kinds of havoc. If a species goes extinct it goes extinct. Having this situation where all kinds of peoples' lives are disrupted in an effort to keep this species or that from going extinct is absurd. And it is absolutely self-evident that other species can go extinct and life goes on. See the Do do bird and the passenger pigeon. This thing about this great "web of life" where another species going extinct necessarily hurts the interests of our own species is nonsense.

Re: **** **** **** **** MOTHERFUCKING ****

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:22 pm
by houndawg
JohnStOnge wrote:The Endangered Species Act is a bad law. I realize I'm pissing in the wind when I say it ought to be repealed but it ought to be repealed. We shouldn't have a law to try to keep species from going extinct. Species are going to go extinct. Recently I saw one estimate that "scientists" estimate that 97% of species that have existed on this planet are extinct. I personally suspect that's a low estimate and that it's really >99%.

Having the Endangered Species Act creates a situation in which Environmentalist zealots can wreak all kinds of havoc. If a species goes extinct it goes extinct. Having this situation where all kinds of peoples' lives are disrupted in an effort to keep this species or that from going extinct is absurd. And it is absolutely self-evident that other species can go extinct and life goes on. See the Do do bird and the passenger pigeon. This thing about this great "web of life" where another species going extinct necessarily hurts the interests of our own species is nonsense.
Put your finger on the real threat, you did. :roll:

But yeah, I get your point. Hell, the Sun is going to burn out eventually anyway, might as well use up the planet asap.