Just a few things:Ibanez wrote:"]Its more like 60 miles. And if it’s the same main road I drove from Lille to Paris then it’s Wide open spaces. And I stopped by Bellau Wood.93henfan wrote:
No idea. Don't really care. I did hear that Marine One was grounded due to weather and the SS wasn't keen on putting together an impromptu 100 mile motorcade in a country full of Islamic fundamentalists and people who generally dislike Trump and the US.
My cousin, a Trump supporter and former loggie with HMX-1 posted that excuse was bullshit. Hueys- they can take gun fire but not rain. Lol. Trumps a pussy. Plain and simple. He’s soft.
To be honest- the military makes the decision to scrap the mission. But there’s no backup plan? And then to not address it? Seems like a waste of 44 hours.
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1. It's 55 miles each way. 110 mile motorcade if that was the backup. The log trail on a 110 mile motorcade would be INSANE.
2. HMX-1 doesn't use Hueys for POTUS, but that's immaterial. They use Sea Kings and White Hawks for the white tops, and any of them can handle mild weather with no problem.
3. The military doesn't make the decision to scrap the mission. The SS does.
4. There is always a backup plan. Always.
5. Regardless of how soft Trump may be, this had nothing to do with weather. He was flipping the bird at Merkel, and to a lesser extent Frenchy east and Frenchy west.
6. Deal with it. lol