SunCoastBlueHen wrote:The whole abortion argument always boils down to one thing - when is the life inside a mother considered a human being? When the cell first splits? When the baby is born? Somewhere in between? No one can answer that question definitively and, therefore, no one can argue infallably concerning the proper legality of abortion.
Actually, the "when is it a human being" question isn't the dividing line that allows abortions - the only line between when abortions are allowed (outside of the physical health of the mother) is viability outside of the womb. If the life, whether it be a collection or cells, zygotes, fetus, or baby, is viable outside of the womb, then it is protected. So the real quandry will be when, in the next say 50 years, science advances to the point where the life can be viable outside of the womb very close to conception, what is allowed and what isn't.