No, anyone looking down their nose at someone because of the color of their skin and their socio-economic situation is racist. It's as true for people who look down upon white people living in trailer parks as it is for people who look down upon black people living in the projects.
You are what you hate.
silly rabbit, you can't be racist to a white man.
"Ah fuck. You are right." KYJelly, 11/6/12
"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." Barack Obama, 9/25/12
No, anyone looking down their nose at someone because of the color of their skin and their socio-economic situation is racist. It's as true for people who look down upon white people living in trailer parks as it is for people who look down upon black people living in the projects.
No, anyone looking down their nose at someone because of the color of their skin and their socio-economic situation is racist. It's as true for people who look down upon white people living in trailer parks as it is for people who look down upon black people living in the projects.
You are what you hate.
I’m black licorice!
"Ah fuck. You are right." KYJelly, 11/6/12
"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." Barack Obama, 9/25/12