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2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:44 am
by death dealer" onclick=";return false;

2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public
Published: Thursday, 15 Apr 2010 | 1:35 PM ET Text Size By: AP
President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, made $5.5 million last year, largely on sales of his books, and paid nearly $1.8 million in federal income tax, according to the tax return they released Thursday.

The Obamas gave $329,000 to charities in 2009, including $50,000 each to CARE and the United Negro College Fund. The president also donated his $1.4 million Nobel Peace Prize award to 10 charities.

The vast majority of the Obamas' earnings continue to come from sales of the president's books, "Dreams From My Father," and "The Audacity of Hope," which have netted the couple several million dollars in recent years.

The Obamas paid $163,303 in Illinois income taxes.

In 2008, when Obama was campaigning for president, he and his wife earned $2.7 million and paid $855,323 in federal income tax.

Current DateTime: 10:36:52 15 Apr 2010
LinksList Documentid: 36564034
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Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, reported an adjusted gross income of $333,182 for 2009. They paid $71,147 in federal income taxes, $12,420 in Delaware income taxes and $1,477 in Virginia income taxes.

The Bidens gave $4,820 to charity, in cash and in-kind donations.

Wow!! The Bidens ar stingy!

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 11:45 am
by danefan
The Obama's need a tax planner.

Their effective rate is way higher than most that have income in excess of $1 million.

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:01 pm
by OL FU
danefan wrote:The Obama's need a tax planner.

Their effective rate is way higher than most that have income in excess of $1 million.

No No, you wait until you are no longer president to hire one of those. Wouldn't want the masses to think you don't pay your fair share

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:05 pm
I never buy these reports anyway.

I think the numbers are put out for PR and are inaccurate. You know the IRS isnt going to do anything to a president.

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:01 pm
by death dealer
That's not the issue here!! The issue is that the Bidens only gave a pittance in charitable donations!! On that gross adjusted income they should have given at least four times that amount!! Stingy bastages!! :ohno:

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:10 pm
Its their money and they can do with it how the please...................something which they dont offer us the same courtesy.

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:36 pm
by Skjellyfetti
$1.7 million in charity by Obama. :notworthy:

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:21 pm
by death dealer
Skjellyfetti wrote:$1.7 million in charity by Obama. :notworthy:
I was pleased to see that. Walking the talk. :thumb:

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:23 pm
by death dealer
ALPHAGRIZ1 wrote:Its their money and they can do with it how the please...................something which they dont offer us the same courtesy.
Sure, in theory. But when you preach about the "wealthy" pulling their weight in our society? Well that shit starts at home Mr. Biden. I gave twice as much in the first quarter than that jackass did all year of '09!! What a dick! :evil:

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:55 pm
by 93henfan
death dealer wrote:
ALPHAGRIZ1 wrote:Its their money and they can do with it how the please...................something which they dont offer us the same courtesy.
Sure, in theory. But when you preach about the "wealthy" pulling their weight in our society? Well that shit starts at home Mr. Biden. I gave twice as much in the first quarter than that jackass did all year of '09!! What a dick! :evil:
I agree Biden should give more to charity, but why didn't you report his finances? You seem to have curiously missed them.

Could it be because the man doesn't have a shitload of money?

Here's the part you selectively edited:
Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, reported an adjusted gross income of $333,182 for 2009. They paid $71,147 in federal income taxes, $12,420 in Delaware income taxes and $1,477 in Virginia income taxes.
While the vice presidential salary is nothing to sneeze at, there are several posters on this site pulling in more than the Biden's. Again, I hate to defend Joe Biden, but it's pretty well known that he's probably the poorest VP in our lifetime. The man didn't come from money and never really got into any ventures to make himself rich. Dick Cheney, Al Gore, or GHW Bush rich anyway.

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:00 pm
by grizzaholic
Skjellyfetti wrote:$1.7 million in charity by Obama. :notworthy:
If they were so nice, why didn't they donate their total incom to charity? HUH? Yeah.

Hope they both die with 89hen and ralph and texas terror next week.

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:06 pm
by 93henfan
FWIW, Biden was the poorest senator while serving: ... &year=2007

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:14 pm
by Skjellyfetti
93henfan wrote:FWIW, Biden was the poorest senator while serving: ... &year=2007
That's an interesting site. Clicking on the "richest" makes my stomach churn. :ohno:

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:08 pm
by death dealer
93henfan wrote:
death dealer wrote: Sure, in theory. But when you preach about the "wealthy" pulling their weight in our society? Well that shit starts at home Mr. Biden. I gave twice as much in the first quarter than that jackass did all year of '09!! What a dick! :evil:
I agree Biden should give more to charity, but why didn't you report his finances? You seem to have curiously missed them.

Could it be because the man doesn't have a shitload of money?

Here's the part you selectively edited:
Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, reported an adjusted gross income of $333,182 for 2009. They paid $71,147 in federal income taxes, $12,420 in Delaware income taxes and $1,477 in Virginia income taxes.
While the vice presidential salary is nothing to sneeze at, there are several posters on this site pulling in more than the Biden's. Again, I hate to defend Joe Biden, but it's pretty well known that he's probably the poorest VP in our lifetime. The man didn't come from money and never really got into any ventures to make himself rich. Dick Cheney, Al Gore, or GHW Bush rich anyway.
Relax Chinfan. There was no conspiracy. If I didn't post his gross adjusted it was simply an effort to not post the entire article. And that is adjusted gross, which means he made an assload more than that. I can say from personal experience that adjusted gross is way below actual gross. And 333K is nothing to sneeze at. For a guy pulling over 300K to donate a measly 4K to charity is a travesty. For Biden, the champion of the "wealthy folks aren't pulling their weight" mantra to donate that amount on that gross adjusted income is a fucking joke and an indictment of his hypocrisy.

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:12 pm
by death dealer
For example, I know this guy real well who has a gross adjusted right below 500K. He donates around 50K/year to charity. That's about right. You should donate loosely 10 percent of your gross adjusted to charity. Now, that's a good rule for guys making the kind of smack Joe is pulling in. The guy making 30K is gonna have a harder time hitting that number, because he's living check to check more than likely. But, Joe ain't doing that, so he needs to come off the wallet and put his money where his big fucking piehole is.

Now, having said all that, the 10 percent rule is just a personal philosophy, but Joe did put himself out there as the arbiter of what constitutes "pulling you weight" in society. Excuse me if I expect some big mouth asshole like him to live up to his own standards. But in typical Democrat fashion, I guess he figures it's the govt's problem, why should he donate his hard earned money to charity when he can let uncle sam take care of it. After all, isn't that what he pays taxes for? :roll:

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:32 pm
by Skjellyfetti
death dealer wrote:For example, I know this guy real well who has a gross adjusted right below 500K. He donates around 50K/year to charity. That's about right. You should donate loosely 10 percent of your gross adjusted to charity. Now, that's a good rule for guys making the kind of smack Joe is pulling in. The guy making 30K is gonna have a harder time hitting that number, because he's living check to check more than likely. But, Joe ain't doing that, so he needs to come off the wallet and put his money where his big **** piehole is.

Now, having said all that, the 10 percent rule is just a personal philosophy, but Joe did put himself out there as the arbiter of what constitutes "pulling you weight" in society. Excuse me if I expect some big mouth ******* like him to live up to his own standards. But in typical Democrat fashion, I guess he figures it's the govt's problem, why should he donate his hard earned money to charity when he can let uncle sam take care of it. After all, isn't that what he pays taxes for? :roll:
In typical Democrat fashion? Yeah, Biden is a cheapskate. But, why is that a typical Democrat? Obama gave over 30% to charity the last two years. 3x the amount you suggest. You gave him credit for that... so, that's good. But, then you seem to ignore it and want to focus on Biden and how he is "typical" of Democrats... :ohno: Why?

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:34 pm
by ∞∞∞
Who cares how much someone gives? It's their choice. Moral police are out and about I see...

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:12 am
by death dealer
Skjellyfetti wrote:
death dealer wrote:For example, I know this guy real well who has a gross adjusted right below 500K. He donates around 50K/year to charity. That's about right. You should donate loosely 10 percent of your gross adjusted to charity. Now, that's a good rule for guys making the kind of smack Joe is pulling in. The guy making 30K is gonna have a harder time hitting that number, because he's living check to check more than likely. But, Joe ain't doing that, so he needs to come off the wallet and put his money where his big **** piehole is.

Now, having said all that, the 10 percent rule is just a personal philosophy, but Joe did put himself out there as the arbiter of what constitutes "pulling you weight" in society. Excuse me if I expect some big mouth ******* like him to live up to his own standards. But in typical Democrat fashion, I guess he figures it's the govt's problem, why should he donate his hard earned money to charity when he can let uncle sam take care of it. After all, isn't that what he pays taxes for? :roll:
In typical Democrat fashion? Yeah, Biden is a cheapskate. But, why is that a typical Democrat? Obama gave over 30% to charity the last two years. 3x the amount you suggest. You gave him credit for that... so, that's good. But, then you seem to ignore it and want to focus on Biden and how he is "typical" of Democrats... :ohno: Why?
That part was for you and Houndawg. To see who bit first. You won. :kisswink:

Although, I have found that certain mentalities seem more common among certain political groups. For example, I have found that there is a tendency for my conservative friends to be annoyingly distrustful of any action by the government. They don't like the govt. so it can do no good. Sort of like the kid who got sick after eating spaghetti one time and now won't eat any more spaghetti ever again. :roll:

And, many of my more liberal friends seem to have the opinion that it's the govt's job to take care of all the problems in the world, so if they vote for the candidate who's agenda they agree with or who promises to do what they think is the best thing, then they've done their part to save the "whatever", because "soand so" is now President or omsbudsman or dogcatcher, or whatever. :ohno:

In reality, like I said earlier, I am proud to see Obama's giving spirit extends to his own money and not just the tax dollars of the rest of the country. :thumb: :notworthy:

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:01 am
Skjellyfetti wrote:
93henfan wrote:FWIW, Biden was the poorest senator while serving: ... &year=2007
That's an interesting site. Clicking on the "richest" makes my stomach churn. :ohno:


Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:04 pm
by Hansel
Skjellyfetti wrote:$1.7 million in charity by Obama. :notworthy:
Obama received 1.3 of that as charity himself

Prior to becoming VP- didn't Biden donate 4k total over the last ten years as a senator.

(Yeah I know he was a "poor" senator)

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:52 pm
by Ivytalk
Hell, I gave a bigger percent of my income to charity than BHO did. And I'm happy to say that I didn't contribute to his income by buying either of his "audacious" books.

As for Biden, who gives a rat's patoot? He's got a big house in a tony suburb of Wilmington and if he has few investable assets, too bad.

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:45 pm
by UNHWildCats
Leave Biden alone. Geeze.

Guy isnt rich and aside from his day to day expenses through the year he and his wife need to be planning their finances for life beyond the Vice Presidency. We dont know if he has a mortgage he is still paying or anything else he may need to be taking care of. Its also worth pointing out that up until early this year when his mother passed away he was likely supporting her on some level.

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:16 pm
by YoUDeeMan
UNHWildCats wrote:Leave Biden alone. Geeze.

Guy isnt rich and aside from his day to day expenses through the year he and his wife need to be planning their finances for life beyond the Vice Presidency. We dont know if he has a mortgage he is still paying or anything else he may need to be taking care of. Its also worth pointing out that up until early this year when his mother passed away he was likely supporting her on some level.
Once again, you know nothing about what you post...but you sure are willing to give a jackass the benefit of the doubt while at the same time hanging Ben without any evidence.

Oh, bye the way, guess how much Biden paid for his house?

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:18 pm
by UNHWildCats
Cluck U wrote:
UNHWildCats wrote:Leave Biden alone. Geeze.

Guy isnt rich and aside from his day to day expenses through the year he and his wife need to be planning their finances for life beyond the Vice Presidency. We dont know if he has a mortgage he is still paying or anything else he may need to be taking care of. Its also worth pointing out that up until early this year when his mother passed away he was likely supporting her on some level.
Once again, you know nothing about what you post...but you sure are willing to give a jackass the benefit of the doubt while at the same time hanging Ben without any evidence.

Oh, bye the way, guess how much Biden paid for his house?
is everyone from Delaware a jackass? Cause you sure are.

Re: 2009 Tax Returns for Obamas, Bidens Made Public

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:21 pm
by death dealer
UNHWildCats wrote:Leave Biden alone. Geeze.

Guy isnt rich and aside from his day to day expenses through the year he and his wife need to be planning their finances for life beyond the Vice Presidency. We dont know if he has a mortgage he is still paying or anything else he may need to be taking care of. Its also worth pointing out that up until early this year when his mother passed away he was likely supporting her on some level.
Straight from the fingertips of a drain on society. It would have to be you of all people, Travis, coming to poor Joe's defense. You, the quintessential teat sucker. When's the last fiscal year that you ever put more worth back into the system than you sucked out? eh? :ohno: Pathetic. You and Joe both.

Joe should be ashamed of donating 4 fucking K to charity on that salary. Who fucking cares if he's living beyond his means and can't do it? The audacity of you motherfucking democratic sheep fuckers defending a guy who's pulling in over 350,000 G's and donating under 5 of them to charity makes me want to vomit. Fucking hypocrites, all of you. Cock sucking hyporocrites. :flame: