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California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:52 am
by native
By Steve Malanga

"A group of California legislators recently made headlines when they traveled to Texas to learn why the Lone Star State has lately been generating the kind of job growth that the Golden State was once known for, and even luring many companies that once made California their home...." ... newsletter" onclick=";return false;

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:00 am
by native
"...Over the last 15 years, California ranks as the third worst state in the country in terms of job migration, with a net outflow of jobs that is 1 percent greater than the flow of jobs into the state, according to the National Establishment Time Series database. Texas, by contrast, is 10th best in the nation in that period, with a plus 1.3 percent inflow of jobs from other states. Based on Vranich's anecdotal list, Texas is the biggest beneficiary of jobs leaving California...."

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:33 am
by blueballs
Good weather, low cost of living, no state income tax, right to work laws.... check, check, check, and check.

It's been a winning formula for us here in Florida too.

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:34 am
by native
"....Some firms also say they are leaving because California's state and local budget crunch has made government voracious. LegalZoom, the online company, is leaving Los Angeles for Austin because of a lengthy dispute with city government over taxes. One thing that sealed the move: When the firm's 400 employees heard the company was contemplating leaving, some began asking to relocate. Meanwhile, Creators Syndicate, the media syndication company, has also contemplated leaving because of a dispute over taxes with the city of Los Angeles that prompted an official of the company to accuse the city of operating like a "banana republic" and its bureaucrats of acting like "Stalin's apparatchiks."..."

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 2:15 pm
by Col Hogan
Texas isn't about to go bankrupt...or fall into the ocean...

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:58 pm
by CID1990
Better Mexicans.

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:18 pm
by citdog
CID1990 wrote:Better Mexicans.
depends on how you cook 'em

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 8:31 pm
by kalm
It's a race to the bottom and Texas is winning. Good for them. :coffee:

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:08 pm
by SuperHornet
I'm not sure what to think about this. I'm still looking, and I love the Cowboys, not to mention that my favorite coach is the OC at North TX, but I'm not sure I could deal with TX humidity (sorry, CatMom), much less finance the move. A friend is moving her family to TX so her husband can take one of their many available jobs. But I just can't see myself doing that. Too many friends here to move to where I know practically no-one.

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:13 pm
by citdog
SuperHornet wrote:I'm not sure what to think about this. I'm still looking, and I love the Cowboys, not to mention that my favorite coach is the OC at North TX, but I'm not sure I could deal with TX humidity (sorry, CatMom), much less finance the move. A friend is moving her family to TX so her husband can take one of their many available jobs. But I just can't see myself doing that. Too many friends here to move to where I know practically no-one.
that's probably a good idea for you. i cannot imagine that you would do very well in Texas. i think you might last a day but once you start gushing about broads playing football or dancing with the stars one of them 'ol boys would gut you with his Bowie knife.

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:21 pm
by SuperHornet
Uh, you haven't seen the Dallas Diamonds. They were in the IWFL playoffs until they ran into the Sirens, then took their ball and went to the WFA.


Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:29 pm
by citdog
SuperHornet wrote:Uh, you haven't seen the Dallas Diamonds. They were in the IWFL playoffs until they ran into the Sirens, then took their ball and went to the WFA.

:ohno: point exactly

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:58 am
by native
CID1990 wrote:Better Mexicans.
Literally true. To a far greater extent than in California, Tex-Mex folk are patriotic, speak with a twang, look you in the eye, shake your hand and want to be accepted asTEXANS, just like everyone else.

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:01 am
by native
kalm wrote:It's a race to the bottom and Texas is winning. Good for them. :coffee:
I don't think you are either partisan enough or dense enough to actually believe it, kalm.

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:03 am
kalm wrote:It's a race to the bottom and Texas is winning. Good for them. :coffee:
Compared to CA lower taxes, lower unemployment, better job and GDP growth, state govt in better fiscal shape. That is a race to the bottom how? :roll:

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:43 am
by travelinman67
California is in a dire position. Gov Brown has not disappointed. He's handing out sweetheart deals to the unions; protecting their blackhole pensions. Chasing nickle-dime waste while the state's 30 billion deficit continues to grow.

I had dinner the other night with an old friend who is a VERY high level accountant for the State: Has access to budget/cash flow reports only made available to a handful of high level officials. Their face went pale as they described the seriousness of CA's financial position and projections. Bottomline, unless CA pulls a rabbit out of the hat in the next 3 months, CA's credit rating will take another huge hit, and coulld possibly be facing insolvency. This isn't political rhetoric or fear mongering...the situation is real and potentially historic.

The causes are simple: California's governments, at all levels, has spent the last 30 years legislatively targeting businesses and the middle class to fund politician's social engineering schemes. Rather than "regulating", CA's govt attempts to generate revenue by bureaucratically crafting rules to "trip up" businesses and taxpayers, thereby generating additional "taxes" via fees and draconian penalties. It is indescribably pervasive. From parking to code enforcement to environmental violations to the more mundane reporting requirements imposed on every Californian. Craft a law, then cast the revenue net into the sea of citizens and haul in every penny left. Those who cannot afford become debtors, wards subservient to govt. control.

This is real. This is why California jobs are vanishing. This is why more than half of California's residents DO NOT WORK.

So long as the Kalms, Maojeffs and similar know-nothings continue to spew their ignorance, soaked up by uneducated entitlement flotsam who unfortunately vote in entitlement enablers like Gov Brown, California will continue down the steep slope of self destruction.

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:56 pm
by kalm
travelinman67 wrote:California is in a dire position. Gov Brown has not disappointed. He's handing out sweetheart deals to the unions; protecting their blackhole pensions. Chasing nickle-dime waste while the state's 30 billion deficit continues to grow.

I had dinner the other night with an old friend who is a VERY high level accountant for the State: Has access to budget/cash flow reports only made available to a handful of high level officials. Their face went pale as they described the seriousness of CA's financial position and projections. Bottomline, unless CA pulls a rabbit out of the hat in the next 3 months, CA's credit rating will take another huge hit, and coulld possibly be facing insolvency. This isn't political rhetoric or fear mongering...the situation is real and potentially historic.

The causes are simple: California's governments, at all levels, has spent the last 30 years legislatively targeting businesses and the middle class to fund politician's social engineering schemes. Rather than "regulating", CA's govt attempts to generate revenue by bureaucratically crafting rules to "trip up" businesses and taxpayers, thereby generating additional "taxes" via fees and draconian penalties. It is indescribably pervasive. From parking to code enforcement to environmental violations to the more mundane reporting requirements imposed on every Californian. Craft a law, then cast the revenue net into the sea of citizens and haul in every penny left. Those who cannot afford become debtors, wards subservient to govt. control.

This is real. This is why California jobs are vanishing. This is why more than half of California's residents DO NOT WORK.

So long as the Kalms, Maojeffs and similar know-nothings continue to spew their ignorance, soaked up by uneducated entitlement flotsam who unfortunately vote in entitlement enablers like Gov Brown, California will continue down the steep slope of self destruction.

I want all the same things you want for my business and myself. Low to no taxes, low to no regulation, simple codes and licensing... I also want a high standard standard of living for my state. But screw everyone else. :mrgreen:

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:44 pm
Nearly 70% of Californians say cut state workers' benefits... ... 7255.story" onclick=";return false;

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:02 pm
by travelinman67

...lemme see if I can figg'r this out.

20 yrs of Dem controlled leftislature...socially liberal to moderate governers the past 14 years...including the current union-paid-for progressive whore.

I wonder what could be going wrong in California?

California companies fleeing the Golden State

By Tami Luhby @CNNMoney July 12, 2011: 12:51 PM ET ... m?iid=Lead
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Buffeted by high taxes, strict regulations and uncertain state budgets, a growing number of California companies are seeking friendlier business environments outside of the Golden State.

And governors around the country, smelling blood in the water, have stepped up their courtship of California companies. Officials in states like Florida, Texas, Arizona and Utah are telling California firms how business-friendly they are in comparison.

Companies are "disinvesting" in California at a rate five times greater than just two years ago, said Joseph Vranich, a business relocation expert based in Irvine. This includes leaving altogether, establishing divisions elsewhere or opting not to set up shop in California.

"There is a feeling that the state is not stable," Vranich said. "Sacramento can't get its act together...and that includes the governor, legislators and regulatory agencies that are running wild."

The state has been ranked by Chief Executive magazine as the worst place to do business for seven years.

"California, once a business friendly state, continues to conduct a war on its own economy," the magazine wrote.

That is about to change, at least if Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom has anything to say about it. Newsom is developing a plan to address the state's economic Achilles heels, and build on its strengths. It will be unveiled at the end of July.

"California has got to get its act together when it comes to economic development and job creation," he said.

While not all companies investing elsewhere are doing so for economic reasons, some are shopping around for lower costs, lighter regulations, stable leadership and government assistance and incentives.

The most popular places to go? Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, Virginia and North Carolina, said Vranich. All rank in the Top 13 places to do business, according to Chief Executive.

No budget, no pay for California lawmakers

After 15 years in Monterey Country, Calif., Feel Golf relocated its headquarters to Florida earlier this year after it acquired Pro Line Sports, which was based in the Sunshine State.

"The whole state is a bureaucratic Santa Claus," said Lee Miller, chief executive of the golf equipment company, of his former home. "There's a very high cost of doing business."

In Florida, he found a better work pool, lower operating costs and no personal income taxes.

"Overall, it's just a better environment," he said.

PayPal opened a new customer services and operations center in Chandler, Ariz., in February, bringing 2,000 jobs to the area. The San Jose, Calif.-based tech firm, along with its parent eBay, also added 1,000 jobs in Austin, Texas, and expanded operations in Utah.

"They have business-friendly environments," said Kathy Chui, a spokeswoman for eBay.

Other states, which are revving up their job creation efforts in the weak economy, are making sure California firms know the advantages to doing businesses with them.

Utah, for instance, touts its stable government, balanced budget and AAA debt rating, said Todd Brightwell, vice president at the state's Economic Development Corp.

"We promote predictability," said Brightwell, whose agency features an online comparison between the states in terms of taxes, real estate costs, utility expenses, cost of living and other metrics.

Over the past 18 months, the state become much more proactive in courting California firms. It now visits there regularly to reach out to target companies. The strategy has been successful. Adobe has expanded operations in Utah, as has Electronic Arts.

California companies are also reaching out to other states. Sandra Watson, chief operating officer of the Arizona Commerce Authority, said she's seeing a growing number of California firms looking to expand outside the state.

The economic downturn has forced companies to find ways to reduce their costs, she said. Arizona is trying to capitalize on that by promoting its lower workers compensation and unemployment insurance taxes, as well as its aggressive incentive packages.

"There's a lot of competition out there and companies are re-evaluating their strategies," she said.

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:43 pm
by biobengal
That's the problem with state's rights..... or even states within a nation; some prefer to regulate like Columbia and some want to regulate like Sweden. Ultimately, all states will race to the bottom and end up looking like China.

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:54 pm
by citdog
biobengal wrote:That's the problem with state's rights..... or even states within a nation; some prefer to regulate like Columbia and some want to regulate like Sweden. Ultimately, all states will race to the bottom and end up looking like China.

the only problem with State Powers is that more States don't fight for them and look to washington city to be their daddy.

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:59 am
by ATrain
citdog wrote:
biobengal wrote:That's the problem with state's rights..... or even states within a nation; some prefer to regulate like Columbia and some want to regulate like Sweden. Ultimately, all states will race to the bottom and end up looking like China.

the only problem with State Powers is that more States don't fight for them and look to washington city to be their daddy.
DC is VA's sugar daddy...but we're also business friendly (#1 according to CNBC: ... r_Business" onclick=";return false;)

Oh, and Cali, thanks for Northrup Grummond and Hilton. We'll take more gifts if you want to keep giving

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:11 pm
by travelinman67
biobengal wrote:That's the problem with state's rights..... or even states within a nation; some prefer to regulate like Columbia and some want to regulate like Sweden. Ultimately, all states will race to the bottom and end up looking like China.
Trying to attract business and jobs is a "...race to the bottom..." ?



Hey a sweetheart fo ya'.

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:44 pm
by D1B
blueballs wrote:Good weather, low cost of living, no state income tax, right to work laws.... check, check, check, and check.

It's been a winning formula for us here in Florida too.
Forgot selling forests, natural habitats, clean water anything else you filthy, greedy capitalists will destroy for a quick buck. :ohno:

It's all short term P. :nod: Florida is a fucking overpopulated, polluted cesspool and it's getting worse. Texas is a fucking shithole too.

California is fighting the good fight and at least trying to protect its natural resources.

Fuck economic growth. :nod: We don't need it.

Re: California Dreamin' ... about TEXAS Jobs!

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:10 pm
by citdog
D1B wrote:
blueballs wrote:Good weather, low cost of living, no state income tax, right to work laws.... check, check, check, and check.

It's been a winning formula for us here in Florida too.

California is fighting the good fight and at least trying to protect its natural resources.

Fuck economic growth. :nod: We don't need it.

Some of the SANE people in that State are so fed up that they are considering a remedy that I support fully. ... secession/