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Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:56 pm
by Seahawks
clenz wrote:The FCS brand doesn't like being called "small" time, yet there are many D3 schools with stadiums and crowds larger than some FCS schools
What does that have to do with anything? There are many D3 schools with five times the enrollment of FCS schools.

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:00 pm
by Big McLargehuge
free7694 wrote:I'm quite surprised no one has mentioned Nottingham Field yet.


When you're in the same conference at Idaho State its pretty hard to out-suck them at just about anything, stadium being chief among those. Holt Arena is a disgrace and makes Nottingham Field look like Heinz Field in comparison.

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:07 pm
by Thumper 76
JayJ79 wrote:
JayBilasBitesPillows wrote:Here are the facilities at SDSU, as that thread magically reappeared today.

If this does not get consideration, I do not know what would........
Technically, I believe that is OUTSIDE the stadium, for the tailgaters. And thus isn't part of the stadium itself.
And such facilities aren't really any worse than the typical portajohns that most places have in the tailgating lots.

But I could be wrong, as I generally don't have to use the facilities at football games, and didn't have to during my trip to Brookings last season.
Yes, thats what I talked about when I posted in this thread earlier, but pillowbiter just charges on full steam ahead anyways. It is from the tailgaiting lot, and they were temporary usage things for the amount of fans coming for the NDSU game and I believe they were used in the Hobo Day game.

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:16 pm
by Thumper 76
JayBilasBitesPillows wrote:Here are the facilities at SDSU, as that thread magically reappeared today.

If this does not get consideration, I do not know what would........

If your going to talk with such authority on the facilities for SDSU you better damn well have been there at least once, and ovbiously you haven't, since you are posting that like thats the actual bathrooms inside the stadium. I already told you that this was for TAILGATING. OUTSIDE the stadium.

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:06 pm
by pantherrob82
JayJ79 wrote:
pantherrob82 wrote:
I got burned with 50spf last week it Carbondale.
I didn't, and I was in the sun longer. 8-)
(but then, I did have my wicked awesome hat :mrgreen: )
It wasn't bad, but I should've reapplied.

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:15 pm
by Skoal
JayBilasBitesPillows wrote:Here are the facilities at SDSU, as that thread magically reappeared today.

If this does not get consideration, I do not know what would........

Holy cow, that's bad. I wonder what the ladies do at SDSU, bury it in sand like a cat?

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:36 pm
by Thumper 76
Theres the NDSU guy I was looking for! Way to keep the status quo going :lol:

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:00 am
by CAA Flagship
Skoal wrote: Holy cow, that's bad. I wonder what the ladies do at SDSU, bury it in sand like a cat?
No. The SDSU ladies have nicer facilities where they can all sit around and discuss the latest episode of "The View".

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:11 am
by CAA Flagship
William and Mary has a separate bathroom for their Homecoming Queen. :shock:

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 8:38 am
by ODUsmitty
Thumper 76 wrote:
JayBilasBitesPillows wrote:Here are the facilities at SDSU, as that thread magically reappeared today.

If this does not get consideration, I do not know what would........

If your going to talk with such authority on the facilities for SDSU you better damn well have been there at least once, and ovbiously you haven't, since you are posting that like thats the actual bathrooms inside the stadium. I already told you that this was for TAILGATING. OUTSIDE the stadium.
Never claimed to be any authority on anything related to Severely Deficient Sanitation University, but found the photo memorable enough to remember when reading this thread. However,I can speak with great authority that Mumbai, India has some terrible slums and that it is not wise to jet-ski on Falcon Lake with the current border drug war going on. And have been to neither place, so what is your point?

What is becoming very obvious is your high level of sensitivity on the subject, making it a topic that I would like to continue. You must be related to some William and Mary fans, as the same characteristics of poor logic, hypersensitivity, and self-absorption seem to all apply. Just curious, do you have a male homecoming queen, too? If so, would he sit or squat on that abomination of a toilet your fine school produced? These are serious questions and I demand answers!!!!

Its Friday, and I look forward to a bye week that allows some family time this weekend. Whatever your plans may be, I'd recommend a little balm be placed strategically in and around your inflamed mangina, allowing you to find greater enjoyment out of your weekend activities, as well.

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:15 am
by andy7171
That's some quality smack pillowbiter. :lol:

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:19 am
by webfan
Pillowbiter man, what are you on? That was outstanding!

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:24 am
∞∞∞ wrote:Georgetown's "Stadium" isn't as bad as pictures make it out to be. Yeah, it bad compared to a lot of schools, but it's certainly not worst. It's actually a charming little place, and when it's packed, it's gotta a very festive atmosphere to it.

My vote is for Jacksonville's Milne Field:
OMG that's awful. I think we have the winner here.

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:27 am
by bandl
webfan wrote:Pillowbiter man, what are you on? That was outstanding!
Seriously, that was some quality stuff. I might vote that as the smack post of the year. :nod:

If I were on the receiving end of that, I would have no rebuttle other than to say 'thank you, I did not realize how much sand I had in my mangina.' :thumb:

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:28 am
by clenz
bandl wrote:
webfan wrote:Pillowbiter man, what are you on? That was outstanding!
Seriously, that was some quality stuff. I might vote that as the smack post of the year. :nod:

If I were on the receiving end of that, I would have no rebuttle other than to say 'thank you, I did not realize how much sand I had in my mangina.' :thumb:
Having met Pillowbiter makes that post that much better too.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:31 am
by andy7171
bandl wrote:
webfan wrote:Pillowbiter man, what are you on? That was outstanding!
Seriously, that was some quality stuff. I might vote that as the smack post of the year. :nod:

If I were on the receiving end of that, I would have no rebuttle other than to say 'thank you, I did not realize how much sand I had in my mangina.' :thumb:
t76 needs to go back and edit his post to say "pillowbiter taught me this." :lol:

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 10:39 am
by ODUsmitty
Your comments are unexpected and appreciated. I am humbled by your responses, particularly when I get more opportunities to see andy's and bandl's avatars.

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 10:54 am
by JayJ79
personally, I'd rather piss in that SDSU setup than in the standard portajohn that most tailgate lots have.

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 10:57 am
by clenz
JayJ79 wrote:personally, I'd rather piss in that SDSU setup than in the standard portajohn that most tailgate lots have.
Not me.

Then again I like my privacy and don't like having my wang out there for all to see

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:07 am
by CAA Flagship
clenz wrote:
JayJ79 wrote:personally, I'd rather piss in that SDSU setup than in the standard portajohn that most tailgate lots have.
Not me.

Then again I like my privacy and don't like having my wang out there for all to see
Are you embarassed or homophobic?

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:09 am
by clenz
CAA Flagship wrote:
clenz wrote: Not me.

Then again I like my privacy and don't like having my wang out there for all to see
Are you embarassed or homophobic?
Neither. I just don't want anyone (guy/gal/dog/squirrel/anything) looking at my junk.

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:13 am
by mcveyrl
clenz wrote:
CAA Flagship wrote:
Are you embarassed or homophobic?
Neither. I just don't want anyone (guy/gal/dog/squirrel/anything) looking at my junk.

You could cut the sexual tension between you two with a knife!

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:25 am
by andy7171
clenz wrote:
CAA Flagship wrote:
Are you embarassed or homophobic?
Neither. I just don't want anyone (guy/gal/dog/squirrel/anything) looking at my junk.
really? If I'm pissing in the woods and a gal follows me in to watch, I'm letting her. Because the chances that she's going to want to touch it are good.

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:32 am
by 93henfan
andy7171 wrote:
clenz wrote: Neither. I just don't want anyone (guy/gal/dog/squirrel/anything) looking at my junk.
really? If I'm pissing in the woods and a gal follows me in to watch, I'm letting her. Because the chances that she's going to want to touch it are good.
Well, now we know how Andy and the Mrs. met.

Re: The worst college football stadium?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:32 am
by bandl
clenz wrote:
CAA Flagship wrote:
Are you embarassed or homophobic?
Neither. I just don't want anyone (guy/gal/dog/squirrel/anything) looking at my junk.
Why wouldn't you want a gal looking at your junk? :? I'm not following here.

And why not a dog? If it's your dog you can put peanut butter on your balls...

And why not a squirrel? Afraid the thing is going to think your little nuts are the perfect size for his acorn nest?