bandl wrote:These days, anytime I see a website/slogan with the word 'strong' in it, all I can think is 'Goddammit Lance and your stupid yellow wristabands!!!!!"
Seriously, and you think I'm the glass is half empty one??
bandl wrote:These days, anytime I see a website/slogan with the word 'strong' in it, all I can think is 'Goddammit Lance and your stupid yellow wristabands!!!!!"
Seriously, and you think I'm the glass is half empty one??
Yes. Go read your posts. Start from the top, scroll your way down. Eventually, probably shouldn't take more than a page or two, you'll see that you are,without a doubt, the ultimate pessimist. Post after post after post. It's pretty apparent that you are just not satisfied or content with anything.
State Line Liquors wrote:Like I said, hopefully there are the corporate dollars there looking to spend that kind of money. I don't think, other than probably a few handfulls, we'll see too many individuals shelling out the jack for those seats, at least while we're at this level. Corporate money is a whole other ball game of course. Plus the average fan is looking to have a tailgate and probably wants to get 'a little dirty'. Save the cushioned seats and the glasses of Johnny for the networking group looking for the air conditioning I'd suppose.
Who do you think the corporate dollars will flow in from? I know Farm Bureau has been a pretty big advertising sponsor for you guys and UR.
The thing about the individuals is that there are already close to $1,000 that already shell out that money in donations to park on Godwin Field next to the stadium. I'm sure BDK will correct, but I think it's a minimum $2,000 donation to park there. Keep in mind, that the donation required to purchase those tickets is not above and beyond what you're already donating. So really the only increase is in ticket price and you get a nice little cushy place to watch the game. Trust me, most of the people in that lot are not interested in getting dirty to watch a game.
On the other hand, you're probably right about corporate dollars needing to fill the gap and I have no idea about that. Coke runs a bunch of ads during the game, Chik-Fil-A is on every football ticket. Who knows.
You sir are correct, I think Godwin Field went from $1500 to 2k last yr, same when all the other lots got increased.
Proud deplorable Ultra MAGA fascist NAZI trash clinging to my guns and religion (and whatever else I’ve been labeled by Obama/Clinton/Biden/Harris).
..peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard..
My season tix are being bumped to deck 2 unless I join the Duke Club for $ this case it will work, I'll fork over the couple of hundred bucks, should have already
James Madison University --- Better than you since 1908...
GannonFan wrote:
Seriously, and you think I'm the glass is half empty one??
Yes. Go read your posts. Start from the top, scroll your way down. Eventually, probably shouldn't take more than a page or two, you'll see that you are,without a doubt, the ultimate pessimist. Post after post after post. It's pretty apparent that you are just not satisfied or content with anything.