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Princeton disrespects The Citadel

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:08 am
by Ibanez
I was suprised and astonished to hear what the pep band of Princeton did before and during the game on Saturday. My buddy Christian(Citadel Class of 1999) was there and witnessed everything. It was classeless and the entire band needs a lesson respect.

Re: Princeton disrespects The Citadel

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:08 am
by Ibanez
Shame on the Princeton band
> By Ken Burger <> (Contact
> <> )
> The Post and Courier
> Sunday, September 21, 2008
> Photo of Ken
> Burger< ... er_t90.jpg>
> The Princeton Band, known for its antics on the field, earned the wrath
> and disdain of Citadel cadets Saturday by its misbehavior off the field.
> As one of the infamous "scramble bands" at various brainy schools across
> the country, the Princeton Band came to town for its first visit when
> the Tiger football team played The Citadel at Johnson Hagood Stadium.
> These bands, made up of students and alumni, are often funny and clever
> with their irreverent attitude toward the traditions of college
> football.
> A few hours before Saturday's game, 40 or more band members strolled
> down Hagood Avenue in front of the stadium. As the motley crew passed
> by, many tailgating Citadel and Princeton fans were amused by their
> coonskin caps and toilet-seat drums.
> That, however, is where they should have stopped.
> Instead, they meandered a few more blocks onto The Citadel campus where
> the band of drothers ran head-on into the band of brothers.
> Bad blood
> Eyewitness reports say the clownish band members, mocking the military
> school, paraded all too close to the campus's central parade field where
> cadets were taking part in Field Day exercises.
> When they turned and started sashaying down the "Avenue of Remembrance"
> in front of the school's library, a group of highly irritated cadets
> surged toward them in a very menacing manner.
> "It was awful," one cadet said of the incident. "They're lucky they
> didn't get killed."
> Fortunately, cooler heads prevailed. But, the bad blood spilled over
> into
> the afternoon's game. When the Princeton Band came out to perform at
> halftime, the entire Corps of Cadets booed them roundly, loudly and
> continuously while they attempted to perform.
> Granted, such a show of contempt deserved to be booed even by an
> objective audience. Their show, which included band members humping each
> other on the field, crossed several lines of respect and decency.
> Give 'em a medal
> In case you're wondering, Citadel officials knew of the band's raucous
> reputation and approved their script before the game. Groups like this,
> however, are all about disrespecting authority.
> Not that it mattered. Fans at the game could not hear anything the band
> said or played as the chorus of boos from the cadets completely drowned
> them out.
> Later, with only a few minutes left in the game, a squad of cadets
> encircled the Princeton Band in the stands. This culture clash lasted a
> few minutes before the cops broke it up.
> Meanwhile, the Bulldogs taught the Tigers a thing or two about football,
> winning the game 37-24.
> When asked about the incidents, Citadel spokesman Jeff Perez said of the
> cadets' halftime behavior, "We hold them to a higher standard. We will
> speak to them about the booing."
> Heck, instead of a tongue lashing, the entire Corps of Cadets should be
> given a medal for standing up for their school.
> The Princeton Band, meanwhile, should be ashamed. All those
> pseudo-intellectuals and not a single brain among them.

Re: Princeton disrespects The Citadel

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:10 am
by Ibanez
And Princeton's bullshit excuse

University Band Harassed by Cadets at Citadel
> Published: Monday, September 22nd, 2008
> The University band (PUB) faced physical abuse, harassment and taunting
> on Saturday while accompanying the football team to its away game
> against The Citadel, a military college in Charleston, S.C.
> Following the game, Citadel commanding officers and the president of the
> Citadel student body apologized to the band for the cadets' behavior,
> several band members said.
> The altercation began when the band marched, with prior approval from
> The Citadel's administration, through a guarded entrance onto the
> campus. The band's traditional march through the home team's campus
> brought the performers into contact with The Citadel's cadets, who were
> outside for field activities.
> "Some of [the cadets] started running towards us and ran back ... but it
> didn't seem threatening at all," Simon Fox Krauss '11 said.
> Yet when the band tried to continue its march, Krauss said, the cadets
> surrounded the Princeton students and began booing loudly, linking arms
> to form a line blocking their path.
> In response to the blocked path, Lucas Giron '09, the band's drum major,
> gave the order to "scramble" - break formation and leave.
> Band conductor R.W. Enoch '09 said that at this point, "a number of
> cadets broke ranks and got into physical altercations with some of our
> members."
> In the skirmish that followed, several band members were physically
> attacked and spit on, band members said, adding that at least one member
> had his instrument broken.
> The Citadel's Commandant's Office and student body president could not
> be reached on Sunday, and the college's Office of Public Safety declined
> to comment for this article.
> Jordan Bubin '09 said he was tackled by "three or four cadets" and
> pushed up against a tree.
> "The booing was so loud, [and] the cadets who were on the field were
> yelling at us, 'Cut your hair, long-haired faggots' and 'You go have fun
> in college, I'll go fight the war,' " he said.
> The cadets also stole band members' hats and spit on female members of
> the band, some members said.
> Bubin added that he overheard older cadets ordering the younger students
> to go after the band.
> PUB president Alex Barnard '09 said that he found the cadets' behavior
> "offensive and demeaning."
> Barnard said his immediate response was to direct the band to leave
> campus.
> Several of The Citadel's commanding officers, however, brought the
> situation under control asked the band to continue its pre-approved
> march.
> The band was escorted on the rest of its march around campus by
> commanding officers without further altercations, Barnard said. Bubin
> said, however, that the band was "pursued and taunted" in spite of the
> escort.
> Later in the day, when the band appeared on the football field to
> perform its halftime show, the taunting continued.
> "During the halftime, there was booing as soon as we went onto the
> field," Enoch said. Though the cadets avoided any further physical
> confrontation, Enoch noted that for the entire nine-minute half time
> show, the jeers were so loud that the band's act could hardly be heard.
> Barnard said he was surprised by the reaction to the show because the
> band's performance at The Citadel was "the tamest halftime show the team
> has ever delivered."
> The script of the show was approved and censored by The Citadel's
> administration before the performance. All jokes were written with
> attention paid to the Citadel's conservative atmosphere, he added.
> The band members said they were also taunted while cheering from their
> seats in the stands during the game.
> "During the game itself, somewhere between 50 and 70 cadets circled the
> band in plain sight of an Army captain and Marine Corps Lieutenant
> Colonel," Dan Jaffe '10 said in an e-mail. "When ordered back to their
> seats by [higher ranking officers] they were slow to obey."
> Jaffe, who has trained in the Marine Corps, said he found the behavior
> of the cadets "astounding."
> He added that he thought the fact that the cadets "lacked the discipline
> to maintain proper military bearing should, at the very least, make
> their superiors question the wisdom of awarding them commissions in the
> United States Armed Forces."
> Enoch noted that bands do not accompany visiting teams during most
> football games at The Citadel.
> The influx of Princeton students on The Citadel campus, he said, may
> have made the cadets "kind of territorial." He added that the cadets may
> have been intimidated because "they usually don't play schools of the
> caliber of Princeton."
> Barnard also blamed the cadets' behavior on a "mob mentality" and
> stressed that though the cadets together were threatening, "every cadet
> I actually talked to was very nice."
> Bubin added, "There were some enormously friendly cadets there ... but
> those friendly cadets were outnumbered easily 150 to one."

Re: Princeton disrespects The Citadel

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:11 am
by Ibanez

Re: Princeton disrespects The Citadel

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 1:17 am
by rdavila
You have got to be kidding me! What a thin is the skin of the cadets of the Citadel. There is nothing that the Princeton band did that warrants such disrespect and such ill treatment. What terrible breach of respect was thrust upon the Citadel that warranted physically attacking, hurling explicatives, and spitting on a group that was made up of 50% women! I have talked to people that were there....I have read the stories over and over and over, and see nothing that warrants the abuse inflicted on your guests. Please...someone try and explain to me what warrants this behavior at a sporting event?

Terrorizing and physically threatening guests of your institution seems be an utter failure for an instution that "strives to achieve excellence in the education of principled leaders." Its a sad day when the "code of gentlemen" apparently includes the ability to terrorize and spit on women for having the audacity to play music on your campus.

I have traveled across the South and attended many sporting events with my Division I team and have never scene or heard os something so repugnant.

Where were the 'gentlemen' of the Citadel when it counted. Where was the principled leadership when it counted? Someone has to question the honor, integrity, and respect that your school speaks of when it engages in such behavior.

I am embarrased for the Citadel.

Re: Princeton disrespects The Citadel

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:14 pm
by Ibanez
rdavila wrote:You have got to be kidding me! What a thin is the skin of the cadets of the Citadel. There is nothing that the Princeton band did that warrants such disrespect and such ill treatment. What terrible breach of respect was thrust upon the Citadel that warranted physically attacking, hurling explicatives, and spitting on a group that was made up of 50% women! I have talked to people that were there....I have read the stories over and over and over, and see nothing that warrants the abuse inflicted on your guests. Please...someone try and explain to me what warrants this behavior at a sporting event?

Terrorizing and physically threatening guests of your institution seems be an utter failure for an instution that "strives to achieve excellence in the education of principled leaders." Its a sad day when the "code of gentlemen" apparently includes the ability to terrorize and spit on women for having the audacity to play music on your campus.

I have traveled across the South and attended many sporting events with my Division I team and have never scene or heard os something so repugnant.

Where were the 'gentlemen' of the Citadel when it counted. Where was the principled leadership when it counted? Someone has to question the honor, integrity, and respect that your school speaks of when it engages in such behavior.

I am embarrased for the Citadel.
Jokes aside, you don't go to someone's house and say , and I QUOTE, "in 4 years, you'll be dead"

Re: Princeton disrespects The Citadel

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:42 am
by putter
Interesting to see the two sides of the coin and I have to side more with the Citadel. If the Cadets were out doing exercises then they would be supervised by superiors who, in most cases, would not allow them to break ranks unless provoked. Do I think they were provoked? Yes but people still have to have self control.

Re: Princeton disrespects The Citadel

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 3:18 pm
by AZGrizFan
He added that the cadets may have been intimidated because "they usually don't play schools of the caliber of Princeton."
I liked this line. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Apparently ASU, Wofford, GSU and Elon aren't the "caliber" of Princeton.

Looks like it's The University of Illinois!!!

Re: Princeton disrespects The Citadel

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 4:31 pm
by dbackjon
AZGrizFan wrote:
He added that the cadets may have been intimidated because "they usually don't play schools of the caliber of Princeton."
I liked this line. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Apparently ASU, Wofford, GSU and Elon aren't the "caliber" of Princeton.

Looks like it's The University of Illinois!!!