Western QBs Dominate Passing Efficiency Stats

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Western QBs Dominate Passing Efficiency Stats

Post by Mvemjsunpx »

I was bored so I went ahead & computed the passing efficiency stats for the leading QBs through today's games. I also included QBs from transitional teams (they are not included in the official stats).

    • 1. Jonathan Dally (CPOLY) ————— 187.1
      2. Nathan Brown (UCA) —————-- 178.9
      3. Cole Bergquist (UMT) ————--- 176.3
      4. Cameron Higgins (WEBER) ———- 176.2
      5. Sebastian Trujillo (USD) ———--- 172.7
      6. Marcello Trigg (BUCK) —————- 172.2
      7. Danny Freund (UND) —————-- 165.8
      8. R.J. Toman (UNH) ——————--- 158.8
      9. Brock Smith (LIB) ———————— 157.8
      10. Derrick Fourroux (MCNSE) ——-- 157.7
      11. Matt Kobli (BUT) ——————--- 156.6
      12. Cade Thompson (UTM) ————- 155.4
      13. Armanti Edwards (APPST) ———- 155.1
      14. Lance Kriesien (NAU) —————- 152.6
      15. Bradley George (TXST) ————— 151.6
      16. Bryant Lee (SU) ————————- 150.7
      17. Herbert Bynes (HAMP) ————-- 150.5
      18. Josh McGregor (JVILLE) ————— 149.5
      19. Eric Ward (RICH) ———————— 149.3
      20. Rhett Bomar (SHSU) ——————- 148.9
      21. Dale Fink (SACHRT) ——————- 147.3
      22. Pat Grace (UNI) ————————- 147.3
      23. Antonio Hefner (TSU) —————- 145.5
      24. Jake Phillips (W&M) —————--- 145.1
      25. Chris Pizzotti (HARV) ————--- 145.0

Though the west comprises a fairly small percentage of the total FCS teams, the top 5 rated QBs are all from western conferences/teams: 2 from the Big Sky, 1 from the Great West, 1 from the relatively western Southland Conference, & also San Diego. A minimum of 15 pass att/game is required for ranking.
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Re: Western QBs Dominate Passing Efficiency Stats

Post by BigApp »

looks like that porous grizzly D has vaulted 2 of 'em into the Top 5! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Western QBs Dominate Passing Efficiency Stats

Post by Ursus A. Horribilis »

BigApp wrote:looks like that porous grizzly D has vaulted 2 of 'em into the Top 5! :lol: :lol: :lol:
You mean that same D that has allowed 10 points in the last two games? I'll give you this though Big App, that was a pretty good one.
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