Good TV Coverage today

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Good TV Coverage today

Post by SuperHornet »

I couldn't believe the TV FCS is getting today. First, I saw a freakin IVY League game. That was immediately followed (OK, so it was concurrent) by the Spiders' loss. Then there was the Wofford game. Altitude had ISU-UNC, though I left the house during that one. Now Hofstra's on ESPNU.

Who got into the networks' heads to get this pub?

For the general FCS fan, this is great. However, it does bring up the seemingly eternal ECB question: the only western game was shown by a western network, and then only available for those with either digital cable or an extended dish package. There are good teams out west, such as Montana and San Diego. Why are they getting no love?

Sure, I'd love for my Hornets to get a national game, but the way we're playing this year, even I'd be embarrassed to watch.


SuperHornet's Athletics Hall of Fame includes Jacksonville State kicker Ashley Martin, the first girl to score in a Division I football game. She kicked 3 PATs in a 2001 game for J-State.
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