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Northern Kentucky Moves to D1

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:31 am
by JBB
NKU has announced they are moving toward Division 1:
Northern Kentucky University will begin working toward a move to Division I college athletics.
An NCAA moratorium on reclassification ends this fall, and President James Votruba said Wednesday at the annual convocation that he will recommend the move to the board of regents
They play in the Great Lakes Conference but as far as I know have not announced conference plans. The Summit might work for them?" onclick=";return false;

Re: Northern Kentucky Moves to D1

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:14 pm
by Seawolf97
It is always good to hear of a program moving up. Good luck to them

Re: Northern Kentucky Moves to D1

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:30 pm
by jacobadam
started at NKU in 1991, and have seen NKU grow throughout the years. I am very proud of my degree there. The one gripe we always had as students was the Division II status. We were very happy with the quality of the program, but it just wasn't the same as some of my buddy's smaller D-1 schools they went to. I have held my checkbook near and dear waiting for a move to D-1. I'm proud to say I fully support the move and will do anything I can to support NKU financially. Hello season tickets!