Black Gunday

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Re: Black Gunday

Post by CAA Flagship »

Grizalltheway wrote:
93henfan wrote:
Over 55 million people died of heart failure last year, but do you see anyone addressing that elephant in the room? We were all born with defective hearts! How much money is being put into this problem?
Actually a shit ton of money has gone into heart research, health, etc. Didn't you used to work for NHS? :?
Oh really? Then stop complaining when the cost of drugs are high. :coffee:
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Re: Black Gunday

Post by CAA Flagship »

93henfan wrote:
Grizalltheway wrote:
Actually a shit ton of money has gone into heart research, health, etc. Didn't you used to work for NHS? :?
No. I was a member of the National Honor Society though.
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Re: Black Gunday

Post by YoUDeeMan »

Peems wrote:
Buses and guns are not similar. I like all your hypotheticals too, and I sure do love how we jumped all the way to the immigrants!!

"Gun ownership isn't some inalienable right granted by God. Remember, the Constitution was written by men coming out of a long and bloody war near the end of the 18th century. It was written for their time.

It also included the "right" to own a human being.

Things change.

Folks evolve.

I want a voluntary federal buyback program for firearms, with hunting weapons and vintage/historic weapons exempt. I want the sale of weapons to be even more tightly controlled than the sale of Xanax and other controlled substances. I want advertising for firearms to be as regulated as DTC (direct to consumer) advertising for pharmaceuticals ("May cause shortness of breath, long-lasting boners, etc.") We can do all of this. It'll likely create jobs, believe it or not: regulators, educators, enforcers.

It will not end murder. It won't end rape or robbery either. It will make it harder to commit those crimes. There will be a black market for guns as there is for any coveted item in a capitalist society. (And I'm not anti-capitalism, btw. I'm a big fan! Sorry, hippies. I do love you guys, by the way, you're very nice people with good instincts.)

Continuing education credits for gun owners should be required, just as they are with medical professionals.

When you have a greater ability to take a human life, you have a greater responsibility to prove your fitness to wield the tools that may create that end."

It seems as though you are willing to let your fear rule the day and trade everyone else's freedom for your security (your physical safety and your hurt wittle feewings when you see something bad and demand that SOMETHING must be must have the government protect you from those big, bad GUNS).

Folks evolve? Really? Than why do we have animals turning their city blocks into war zones, in our first world country? How effing evolved is that? :suspicious: We have people looting, raping, and killing all over this country each and every day. Man, that is some serious evolution. :rofl:

You think one of those mouth breathing clown posse idiots would think twice about stealing a gun? You think people can't get illegal guns? Arms are smuggled in to every corner of this planet...across our border that you and your President don't want to bother to guard. It is big business and it isn't going to stop.

Did Timothy McVeigh need a gun to kill 168 people? That door has been opened and it ain't closing...EVER. IEDs are coming our way. Muslin extremists are coming our way. And yet you want to make it really hard for people to own a simple hand gun...when there are already tens of millions of them out there.

Bad guys can get guns easily...your regulations won't stop that. It will, however, delay normal people from getting guns. Tell you what...why don't you go pay a visit to the relatives of Carol Browne...the woman who was killed while waiting for her background check to clear. :kisswink:

And you think a more regulated background check for guns will actually reduce gun murders? Haven't several cities had buy backs? How's that gone? We initiated effective was that? We have an all out war on drugs and poverty...with all of those gubmint regulator/educator and enforcement is that going? :lol:

Why don't you focus on the real problem? People. How do you intend to fix people?

Are you making plans to identify whack jobs? Once identified, what do you do with them? Lock them up? Medicate them?

What are your brilliant plans to address the real problem? :suspicious:
These signatures have a 500 character limit?

What if I have more personalities than that?
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Re: Black Gunday

Post by CAA Flagship »

Cluck U wrote: Are you making plans to identify whack jobs? Once identified, what do you do with them? Lock them up? Medicate them?
Shoot 'em in the back.

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Re: Black Gunday

Post by GrizFanStuckInUtah »

CAA Flagship wrote:
Cluck U wrote: Are you making plans to identify whack jobs? Once identified, what do you do with them? Lock them up? Medicate them?
Shoot 'em in the back.

We send them to get their 72 virgins.
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Re: Black Gunday

Post by BDKJMU »

Peems wrote:
GannonFan wrote:
Nah, she'll be no better once in office. If we really think this is a problem in America (and I think we can all agree that it is) then we need real solutions to it. If we think getting all the guns, handguns included since most of these events are committed with pretty simple handguns that would never be included in assault weapon bans, is the answer, then let's hear ideas on how to go about doing that. If it's really that important, let's start taking some positions that would actually have a chance of reducing these events. I doubt we'll hear that from Hillary, she's going to take the same stance that Obama has taken - bemoan the state of America, say that we are culturally deficient in some way, and then point to the other political party and say they are the reason we can't even propose real solutions. Politics trumps all, forget getting actual results.
Standing up to the NRA would be a good start.
Typical leftist response.. :roll:
Proud deplorable Ultra MAGA fascist NAZI trash clinging to my guns and religion (and whatever else I’ve been labeled by Obama/Clinton/Biden/Harris).
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Re: Black Gunday

Post by bluehenbillk »

The government could never take all guns away - impossible and impractible.

Washington should be more intelligent or creative about the problem. If the can create a medical device tax as part of Obamacare or the federal, state & city governments create sin taxes on buying cigarettes, why not create a tax on buying both guns & bullets.

I know there are some municipalities that have tinkered with it - but if you tax it on both ends - on the manufacturer and the buyer & make it substantial, it won't eliminate the problem, but maybe that helps.

The bottom line is Washington does zero & we have all seen that doesn't work, so try something else.
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Re: Black Gunday

Post by houndawg »

Peems wrote:Yes. Of course I am in favor of more gun control, I'm not hiding that. Clearly that is where we philosophically disagree. To me the argument should be to what extent should we have gun control, what laws do we enact? There is no simple cure-all, I can admit that. But the fact that this happens so regularly is where I get disgusted.
Also, I have come to the realization that nothing serious will EVER happen. When 20 children are killed and nothing major happens, the fight is already over.
Exactly. The thing to do is to start using them on the deserving. If we're going to spend our time shooting each other the least we can do is shoot bankers and politicians. I think we all agree that the country would be left better off for the cleansing. :coffee:
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Re: Black Gunday

Post by houndawg »

93henfan wrote:
GrizFanStuckInUtah wrote:
May I add breeding to this list of stuff to restrict?
Over 55 million people died of heart failure last year, but do you see anyone addressing that elephant in the room? We were all born with defective hearts! How much money is being put into this problem?
:lol: you aren't helping yourself...

BTW, we weren't all born with defective hearts, we were born with shorter lifespans- for which they worked just fine. But here's the deal (pay attention now you're going to need to connect the dots all by yosef)...things have changed..... :coffee:
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Re: Black Gunday

Post by 93henfan »

houndawg wrote:
93henfan wrote:
Over 55 million people died of heart failure last year, but do you see anyone addressing that elephant in the room? We were all born with defective hearts! How much money is being put into this problem?
:lol: you aren't helping yourself...

BTW, we weren't all born with defective hearts, we were born with shorter lifespans- for which they worked just fine. But here's the deal (pay attention now you're going to need to connect the dots all by yosef)...things have changed..... :coffee:
Wow, all that for an afterthought of a joke? I feel honored.
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Re: Black Gunday

Post by Peems »

Lots of yall seem to be saying that "whackos" are the problem and the "mentally unstable" and that is the real problem that should be addressed. Correct?
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Re: Black Gunday

Post by Baldy »

Peems wrote: "Gun ownership isn't some inalienable right granted by God. Remember, the Constitution was written by men coming out of a long and bloody war near the end of the 18th century. It was written for their time.

It also included the "right" to own a human being.

Things change.

Folks evolve.
Inalienable rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Gun ownership is a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution, period.

The Constitution doesn't say anything about owning slaves being a "right". In fact, even Frederick Douglass believed that the Constitution was an anti-slavery document. :nod:
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Re: Black Gunday

Post by BDKJMU »

Over 100 million..
Proud deplorable Ultra MAGA fascist NAZI trash clinging to my guns and religion (and whatever else I’ve been labeled by Obama/Clinton/Biden/Harris).
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Re: Black Gunday

Post by GOD »

Vidav wrote:
Ibanez wrote:If the government wants a full scale revolution on their hands, then take peoples guns.

Ban guns? Yeah. It'll be as successful as Prohibition. :thumb:
I bet the Government would win.
No they would not
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Re: Black Gunday

Post by CID1990 »

GOD wrote:
Vidav wrote:
I bet the Government would win.
No they would not
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Re: Black Gunday

Post by 93henfan »

BDKJMU wrote:Over 100 million..
I have way too many assault-style (that was to get Grizza riled up) rifles.

I need to pick up a few more handguns and shotguns to balance out the safe a little. Or I could wait on the shotguns. I'm going to inherit a few dozen when dad kicks.
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