kalm wrote:89Hen wrote:
Of course they're not the same circumstance, but their motivations are closer than you think. From what I can tell so far, Malheur is far more peaceful, not sure if that's why you think they're so different.
When I first read this, my thoughts were:
That's a really cool area with wide open spaces, abundant wildlife, some great fishing...
I'd like to go visit the Malhuer NWR someday.
Having watched cattle absolutely destroy a desert spring creek where I hike and fish and seeing the efforts of the BLM to restore riparian habitat and manage the property for all to enjoy I realize there's more to public lands than just a rancher's ability to make a buck off of it.
These Bundy types don't think the rules apply to them, break the law, threaten federal workers (who also live, hunt, and fish in the area), and are a bunch of ignorant, selfish, welfare dependent tools.
I'll bet more than a few folks who enjoy the public lands are pissed they can't access them because of this.
I wonder if Alphagriz is heading down there.
Ferguson never crossed my mind until this thread. So yeah... I guess we're different.
BTW, how are their motivations similar?