The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

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Re: RE: Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by kalm »

SeattleGriz wrote:
kalm wrote:Three people were shot at Zips in Cheney yesterday morning.

Places to now avoid:

Places of worship
Congressional softball games
Fast food restaurants
Shitty country pop concerts
Gay night clubs (I only went for the music and hot chicks I swear :oops: )
All places you're not supposed to bring a firearm.
You're not supposed to bring a gun to fast food restaurants and churches? WTF is wrong with this country?
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Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by SeattleGriz »

kalm wrote:
SeattleGriz wrote:All places you're not supposed to bring a firearm.
You're not supposed to bring a gun to fast food restaurants and churches? WTF is wrong with this country?
I know. Don't forget movie theaters, although that has been awhile.
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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by ALPHAGRIZ1 »

Don't give the left anymore ideas, we know how much they hate Jews!

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Re: RE: Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by Bisonfanatical »

GannonFan wrote:
93henfan wrote:
Saaaa.....wing and a miss! The circle change fooled him. Image ... index.html
Agreed. Trump is many bad things, but an anti-Semite he is not. This nut that shot up the temple was just that, a nut. Until we decide to take away guns in a meaningful fashion (i.e. overturn the second ammendment) we're going to see tragedies like this. And even then, there will be violence galore when trying to get the guns. We're awash in a gun culture, I'm not sure we can put the cork back in the bottle on that one.
Of course nut balls would then strap bombs to themselves if there were no guns.

We see crazy Islamists do this all the time, because they don't have access to guns like us.

Another trick of the insane is to behead them, they can usually find a knife somehow.

You can't legislate crazy .... imo

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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by CID1990 »

It is a tragedy they didn't distribute enough COEXIST bumper stickers in Pittsburgh to prevent this

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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by JohnStOnge »

The only problem I can see with disassociating the shooting Jews incident with Trump and/or the right is that the perpetrator had posts about the migrant caravan thing.

As described in ... an-n925256
Bowers frequently posted about the "migrant caravan," a group of several thousand refugees walking to the U.S.-Mexico border from Honduras to seek asylum. Preventing refugees in the caravan from entering the United States has been a major talking point among right-wing commentators and President Donald Trump, who has spoken about it in recent pre-midterm election stump speeches.
I wouldn't read to much into him posting that he didn't vote for Trump. First: He could be lying about that. Second, it's possible that he didn't vote. What do you think the chances are that he voted for Clinton?

To me he clearly presents as part of the group of people that form Trump's base.
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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by Gil Dobie »

JohnStOnge wrote:The only problem I can see with disassociating the shooting Jews incident with Trump and/or the right is that the perpetrator had posts about the migrant caravan thing.

As described in ... an-n925256
Bowers frequently posted about the "migrant caravan," a group of several thousand refugees walking to the U.S.-Mexico border from Honduras to seek asylum. Preventing refugees in the caravan from entering the United States has been a major talking point among right-wing commentators and President Donald Trump, who has spoken about it in recent pre-midterm election stump speeches.
I wouldn't read to much into him posting that he didn't vote for Trump. First: He could be lying about that. Second, it's possible that he didn't vote. What do you think the chances are that he voted for Clinton?

To me he clearly presents as part of the group of people that form Trump's base.
Lee Harvey Oswald was born in Louisiana, clearly presents a sketchy group of people :roll:
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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by mainejeff »


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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by HI54UNI »

JohnStOnge wrote:The only problem I can see with disassociating the shooting Jews incident with Trump and/or the right is that the perpetrator had posts about the migrant caravan thing.

As described in ... an-n925256
Bowers frequently posted about the "migrant caravan," a group of several thousand refugees walking to the U.S.-Mexico border from Honduras to seek asylum. Preventing refugees in the caravan from entering the United States has been a major talking point among right-wing commentators and President Donald Trump, who has spoken about it in recent pre-midterm election stump speeches.
I wouldn't read to much into him posting that he didn't vote for Trump. First: He could be lying about that. Second, it's possible that he didn't vote. What do you think the chances are that he voted for Clinton?

To me he clearly presents as part of the group of people that form Trump's base.
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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by mainejeff »

I think that America is getting sick of Radical Republican Terrorism.

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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by ALPHAGRIZ1 »

Its the only way we can defend ourselves from you communist liberals.

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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by AZGrizFan »

mainejeff wrote:I think that America is getting sick of Radical Republican Terrorism.

I think America is getting sicker of the insidious democrat party terrorism.
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Re: RE: Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by SeattleGriz »

AZGrizFan wrote:
mainejeff wrote:I think that America is getting sick of Radical Republican Terrorism.

I think America is getting sicker of the insidious democrat party terrorism.
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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by Gil Dobie »

mainejeff wrote:I think that America is getting sick of Radical Republican Terrorism.

Rational Americans are getting sick of both parties and their sheeple.
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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by Ibanez »

Gil Dobie wrote:
mainejeff wrote:I think that America is getting sick of Radical Republican Terrorism.

Rational Americans are getting sick of both parties and their sheeple.
That we are.

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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by GannonFan »

Ibanez wrote:
Gil Dobie wrote:
Rational Americans are getting sick of both parties and their sheeple.
That we are.

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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by Ibanez »

GannonFan wrote:
Ibanez wrote: That we are.

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To be honest, it's disheartening. Both sides say the speak for the masses, when they don't. And therefore you have people like Jeff that think everything they hear on Faux News is indicative of everyone that is a Republican or Conservative.

Same with conservatives and CNN, for example.
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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by GannonFan »

Ibanez wrote:
GannonFan wrote:
To be honest, it's disheartening. Both sides say the speak for the masses, when they don't. And therefore you have people like Jeff that think everything they hear on Faux News is indicative of everyone that is a Republican or Conservative.

Same with conservatives and CNN, for example.
If any side had a clear solution right now to things and wasn't bat**** crazy I'd go for them. Neither side has a care for the gun debate other than using it as a vague crutch, same goes for the immigration debate. In fact, there is no debate because no one really wants to solve any of these issues - they're wedge issues and politicians love wedge issues so they'll keep stoking the issue without solving it so that they can group together enough votes to win an election, which is what all of any of this is about - winning elections. Doesn't matter what you do when you get there, it's just about winning and being in power. There's no candidate, or slate of candidates, that will make a difference in any of this.
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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by Gil Dobie »

GannonFan wrote:
Ibanez wrote: To be honest, it's disheartening. Both sides say the speak for the masses, when they don't. And therefore you have people like Jeff that think everything they hear on Faux News is indicative of everyone that is a Republican or Conservative.

Same with conservatives and CNN, for example.
If any side had a clear solution right now to things and wasn't bat**** crazy I'd go for them. Neither side has a care for the gun debate other than using it as a vague crutch, same goes for the immigration debate. In fact, there is no debate because no one really wants to solve any of these issues - they're wedge issues and politicians love wedge issues so they'll keep stoking the issue without solving it so that they can group together enough votes to win an election, which is what all of any of this is about - winning elections. Doesn't matter what you do when you get there, it's just about winning and being in power. There's no candidate, or slate of candidates, that will make a difference in any of this.
Only chance for this to change is to get more people to vote 3rd party.
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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by 89Hen »

Clearly all of this tension and hatred is Trump's fault.

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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by mainejeff »

89Hen wrote:Clearly all of this tension and hatred is Trump's fault.

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Nah....he has nothing to do with it. He is a great uniter and one hell of a President! Best ever...just ask him!

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Re: RE: Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by Bisonfanatical »

Ibanez wrote:
Gil Dobie wrote:
Rational Americans are getting sick of both parties and their sheeple.
That we are.

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I agree

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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by 89Hen »

mainejeff wrote:
89Hen wrote:Clearly all of this tension and hatred is Trump's fault.

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Nah....he has nothing to do with it. He is a great uniter and one hell of a President! Best ever...just ask him!

Name the last POTUS that was a uniter.
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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by CAA Flagship »

89Hen wrote:Clearly all of this tension and hatred is Trump's fault.

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That rack. :shock: :notworthy: :notworthy:
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Re: The Bombs: Domestic Terrorism

Post by JohnStOnge »

I spent many years saying the Democrats are worse.

But right now, the Republicans are worse. Over the past few years, starting with what happened with the Republican primaries leading up to the 2016 election, we have learned that the Republican base really does have a critical mass of hateful, horribly ignorant people. It's a serious problem.
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