Baldy wrote:
The only consistency in her story is that, much like you, she has lied from the start.
Her parents did not elope, there was a wedding announcement in the local paper.
They did not get married by a Justice of the Peace, but by a Methodist minister.
Her grandparents didn't want her father to get married because they were worried he would drop out of college, not because he was marring a girl with a fraction of one percent of Injun blood.
I have not lied about anything. And where did you get that take? From the Daily Wire? If so notice, for instance, that they quote her then make a big deal about her not being married by a Justice of the Peace. But she didn't say she was married by a Justice of the Peace. And they end up admitting that they don't know that she didn't elope.
If you look at the analysis by the Native American woman they cite it does not at all demonstrate that she was lying. It's a lot of speculation. Here is an example of the kind of thought process involved:
Every high school student that attended the debate was not mentioned but Pauline, Donald and Alyne were. Since we already know Pauline and Donald later married and that Alyne was their witness, it is not a stretch to assume these three were good friends while in high school and that both Donald and Alyne attended the debate to watch Pauline. It is also not a stretch to assume Donald and Pauline did not have to hide their relationship from his purportedly racist parents since his attendance at her debate was published in the newspaper.
"assume"...."assume"..."not a stretch" so on and so forth.
There is absolutely nothing out there which shows she lied about her parents eloping or their reasons for doing it.
This right wing echo chamber stuff has got to stop. If the right wants to win the battle of ideas it has to start dealing with the truth instead of with this kind of crap.