The Official "Making America Great Again" Thread

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Re: The Official "Making America Great Again" Thread

Post by ALPHAGRIZ1 »

Nobody cares about deficits.

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Re: The Official "Making America Great Again" Thread

Post by Ibanez »

css75 wrote:
Ibanez wrote: Those are good numbers.

I wonder what your reaction was when unemployment began dropping under Obama. It went from 9.9% to 4.9% under Obama. I'm sure you hailed Obama as you do Trump. :coffee:
A lot of Obama’s jobs were government jobs which do not help the economy.

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People having jobs and paying taxes isn’t helpful? Sounds like partisan bullshit

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The Official "Making America Great Again" Thread

Post by CID1990 »

All I said was that unemployment was at a 50 year low.

Chizz previously said that deregulation was driving it. (spoiler: true)

Ibanez said government just needs to get out of the way (deregulation).

I didn’t think it was rocket science but apparently it is for some.

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Re: The Official

Post by kalm »

ALPHAGRIZ1 wrote:Nobody cares about deficits until a Democrat is in office again.

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Re: RE: Re: The Official

Post by UNI88 »

kalm wrote:
ALPHAGRIZ1 wrote:Nobody cares about deficits until a Democrat is in office again.

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Partially true. Democrats care about deficits caused by tax cuts and/or military spending and Republicans care about deficits caused by social service programs.

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Re: RE: Re: The Official

Post by kalm »

UNI88 wrote:
kalm wrote:
Partially true. Democrats care about deficits caused by tax cuts and/or military spending and Republicans care about deficits caused by social service programs.

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Yep. They are a choice we make.
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Re: The Official

Post by AZGrizFan »

Ibanez wrote:
css75 wrote:
A lot of Obama’s jobs were government jobs which do not help the economy.

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People having jobs and paying taxes isn’t helpful? Sounds like partisan bullshit

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Larger government isn’t helpful.
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Re: The Official

Post by AZGrizFan »

JohnStOnge wrote:
AZGrizFan wrote:
Yes. A continuation into an area NEVER BEFORE SEEN IN OUR LIFETIMES. You don’t find that the least bit impressive? If it was so **** easy, how come NO president in the last 49 years (including Obama) had been able to do it prior to Trump? Lowest African American unemployment ever. Lowest Hispanic unemployment ever. Lowest female unemployment ever.
You can huff and puff all you want. There is no way just looking at the data would lead one to think something changed in the trend around the end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017. Again: Anybody just looking at the data would say there was a change around the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010. That's when the trend changed from an increasing unemployment rate to a decreasing rate. Then a downward trend started that has continued through this point. There is not the SLIGHTEST indication that the trend changed around the time Trump took office.
Again, continuing into uncharted territory. For a supposed “data” guy you sure are stupid.
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Re: The Official "Making America Great Again" Thread

Post by CID1990 »

Xi did a tiny bit of kowtowing at the Belt and Road forum this week ... -attending

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Re: The Official

Post by Chizzang »

CID1990 wrote:Xi did a tiny bit of kowtowing at the Belt and Road forum this week ... -attending
China has only one resource anybody gives a sh!t about... Slave Labor
They know that and we know that

getting countries addicted to wal-mart style products has always been the Chinese end-game
As countries like the US shift back towards hand made small batch craftsmanship
China loses power


linking Europe to the Wal-Mart train is round two of the game for China
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Re: The Official "Making America Great Again" Thread

Post by SDHornet »

Ibanez wrote:It isn't Governments job to create jobs.

It's their job to get out of the way.
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Re: The Official "Making America Great Again" Thread

Post by SDHornet »

AZGrizFan wrote:
BDKJMU wrote:Lowest Hispanic unemployment rate...EVER!

Lowest female unemployment rate since 1953..
Nothing to see here. Move along. :rofl: :rofl:
But Trump is a racist!!!

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Re: The Official "Making America Great Again" Thread

Post by CID1990 »

Chizzang wrote:
CID1990 wrote:Xi did a tiny bit of kowtowing at the Belt and Road forum this week ... -attending
China has only one resource anybody gives a sh!t about... Slave Labor
They know that and we know that

getting countries addicted to wal-mart style products has always been the Chinese end-game
As countries like the US shift back towards hand made small batch craftsmanship
China loses power


linking Europe to the Wal-Mart train is round two of the game for China
They’ll succeed in part, also-

And it isn’t just Europe. You should see what is going on in Africa- railroads, airports, infrastructure. You can read about it easily but seeing is believing...

And here’s the thing - China ties nothing to human rights. Zero. That’s why their projects are so popular. They don’t complain at countries like Nigeria or Kenya about human rights and make them make meaningless gestures towards the unicorns in return for that 1000 miles of modern railway... or that brand new international airport terminal in Lagos. All they ask for is favored trade status (backed up with indebtedness)

As long as we continue setting money on fire at home, China will have money to set on fire abroad
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Re: The Official

Post by Chizzang »

CID1990 wrote:
Chizzang wrote:
China has only one resource anybody gives a sh!t about... Slave Labor
They know that and we know that

getting countries addicted to wal-mart style products has always been the Chinese end-game
As countries like the US shift back towards hand made small batch craftsmanship
China loses power


linking Europe to the Wal-Mart train is round two of the game for China
They’ll succeed in part, also-

And it isn’t just Europe. You should see what is going on in Africa- railroads, airports, infrastructure. You can read about it easily but seeing is believing...

And here’s the thing - China ties nothing to human rights. Zero. That’s why their projects are so popular. They don’t complain at countries like Nigeria or Kenya about human rights and make them make meaningless gestures towards the unicorns in return for that 1000 miles of modern railway... or that brand new international airport terminal in Lagos. All they ask for is favored trade status (backed up with indebtedness)

As long as we continue setting money on fire at home, China will have money to set on fire abroad

The U.S. is lucky in many ways...
We made it through the 1970's and 1980's struggling with the China zero cost labor game
we lost a considerable number of small goods factories and tech factories
and it took our economy over three decades to adjust and recalibrate itself

Now we "use China" mostly instead of lose to China...
We understand what battles to fight and which ones to let them have

Europe doesn't have a clue what's about to happen to them...
they have been spared these last three decades
it's going to be brutal to watch

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Re: The Official "Making America Great Again" Thread

Post by CID1990 »

Chizzang wrote:
CID1990 wrote:
They’ll succeed in part, also-

And it isn’t just Europe. You should see what is going on in Africa- railroads, airports, infrastructure. You can read about it easily but seeing is believing...

And here’s the thing - China ties nothing to human rights. Zero. That’s why their projects are so popular. They don’t complain at countries like Nigeria or Kenya about human rights and make them make meaningless gestures towards the unicorns in return for that 1000 miles of modern railway... or that brand new international airport terminal in Lagos. All they ask for is favored trade status (backed up with indebtedness)

As long as we continue setting money on fire at home, China will have money to set on fire abroad

The U.S. is lucky in many ways...
We made it through the 1970's and 1980's struggling with the China zero cost labor game
we lost a considerable number of small goods factories and tech factories
and it took our economy over three decades to adjust and recalibrate itself

Now we "use China" mostly instead of lose to China...
We understand what battles to fight and which ones to let them have

Europe doesn't have a clue what's about to happen to them...
they have been spared these last three decades
it's going to be brutal to watch

The Waltons are licking their chops, for sure.

The real question is ... will IKEA instruction become more or less difficult?

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Re: The Official

Post by kalm »

CID1990 wrote:
Chizzang wrote:

The U.S. is lucky in many ways...
We made it through the 1970's and 1980's struggling with the China zero cost labor game
we lost a considerable number of small goods factories and tech factories
and it took our economy over three decades to adjust and recalibrate itself

Now we "use China" mostly instead of lose to China...
We understand what battles to fight and which ones to let them have

Europe doesn't have a clue what's about to happen to them...
they have been spared these last three decades
it's going to be brutal to watch

The Waltons are licking their chops, for sure.

The real question is ... will IKEA instruction become more or less difficult?

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Re: The Official "Making America Great Again" Thread

Post by Col Hogan »

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Re: The Official "Making America Great Again" Thread

Post by Chizzang »

Col Hogan wrote:Image


4 more years

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Re: The Official "Making America Great Again" Thread

Post by Winterborn »

Chizzang wrote:
Col Hogan wrote:Image


4 more years

Maybe. Saying he shouldn't be impeached is a bit different than saying somebody would vote for him.
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Re: The Official "Making America Great Again" Thread

Post by GannonFan »

Winterborn wrote:
Chizzang wrote:


4 more years

Maybe. Saying he shouldn't be impeached is a bit different than saying somebody would vote for him.
Agreed. I don't think impeachment is warranted and there's no way I'm voting for him in 2020. I'm in that independent category in the graphic. :thumb:
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Re: The Official "Making America Great Again" Thread

Post by Chizzang »

Winterborn wrote:
Chizzang wrote:


4 more years

Maybe. Saying he shouldn't be impeached is a bit different than saying somebody would vote for him.
Almost nobody admitted they voted for him last time and he won...
I don't see how that changes

Trump polling information is notoriously skewed
because he gets about 66% of his votes from people who say they aren't voting for him


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Re: The Official "Making America Great Again" Thread

Post by kalm »

Chizzang wrote:
Winterborn wrote:
Maybe. Saying he shouldn't be impeached is a bit different than saying somebody would vote for him.
Almost nobody admitted they voted for him last time and he won...
I don't see how that changes

Trump polling information is notoriously skewed
because he gets about 66% of his votes from people who say they aren't voting for him


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Re: The Official "Making America Great Again" Thread

Post by Chizzang »

kalm wrote:
Chizzang wrote:
Almost nobody admitted they voted for him last time and he won...
I don't see how that changes

Trump polling information is notoriously skewed
because he gets about 66% of his votes from people who say they aren't voting for him


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as long as it's something ridiculous like - loser wears a bikini to the airport and hands out golf tees
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Re: The Official "Making America Great Again" Thread

Post by kalm »

Chizzang wrote:
kalm wrote:

as long as it's something ridiculous like - loser wears a bikini to the airport and hands out golf tees
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Re: The Official "Making America Great Again" Thread

Post by Chizzang »

kalm wrote:
Chizzang wrote:

as long as it's something ridiculous like - loser wears a bikini to the airport and hands out golf tees

Q: Name something that offends Republicans?
A: The actual teachings of Jesus
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