mainejeff wrote:Will Conks still be arguing for the Electoral College when the losing candidate wins the popular vote by 5 million?....10 million? Some system!
You trophy generation soon as you lose something and don’t get your way, you want to change the rules.
Electoral college
Supreme Court nominees
WAAAAAAAAAAH!!! have a fucking juice box, junior.
"Ah fuck. You are right." KYJelly, 11/6/12
"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." Barack Obama, 9/25/12
mainejeff wrote:Will Conks still be arguing for the Electoral College when the losing candidate wins the popular vote by 5 million?....10 million? Some system!
You trophy generation soon as you lose something and don’t get your way, you want to change the rules.
CID1990 wrote:
Direct elections would be decided by the largest population centers and their desires would be foisted on the rest of the States.
It is a very simple concept which you just don’t have the capacity to grasp, apparently.
I grasp the concept. I just don't agree with the idea of, in today's context, thinking of it in terms of States instead of as people. Right now we have a situation where the majority of the People can have the desires of a minority of the People foisted upon them under circumstances where the votes of people in small States count more than the votes of people in large States do.
And, again, there is that problem with the fact that a very substantial proportion of the population is disenfranchised by the state by state "winner take all" principle combined with the fact that many if not most States are not close. The thing where a person's Presidential vote is meaningless, for example, if they are a Republican living in California.
A very simple concept: Each person's vote should be equal in value and impact to every other person's vote.
BTW- don’t you wonder how it is that heartland voters inexplicably voted against their own interests by voting for Trump? How is it that you can wonder about that, but not about your own arguments in favor of abrogating what little political say-so Louisiana has left?
I have never wondered about why heartland voters voted against their own interests. I do have beliefs about why people voted for Trump. For instance I have beliefs about why White Evangelical Christians did what they did. And I'm more concerned about an individual person who is a United States citizen living in Louisiana having their voice effectively silenced when to Presidential elections because they favor the Democrats than I am about Louisiana having its voice silenced. The Senate is there to equalize the voices of all States in a powerful sub-branch of government. Minority voice is fine. Minority rule is not. From January 2016 through January 2018 we had minority rule. Something is wrong with a system that allows that to happen.
Not in a Republic, John
The states are sovereign where they are not constrained by the Constitution.
You would remove that sovereignty, and states would be justified in seceding if you and your fellow travelers got your way
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"You however, are an insufferable ankle biting mental chihuahua..." - Clizzoris
mainejeff wrote:Will Conks still be arguing for the Electoral College when the losing candidate wins the popular vote by 5 million?....10 million? Some system!
You trophy generation soon as you lose something and don’t get your way, you want to change the rules.
Electoral college
Supreme Court nominees
WAAAAAAAAAAH!!! have a fucking juice box, junior.
You Conk motherfuckers that keep changing the rules.....and moving the lines......and rigging the system.
And there it is. Youngin’s acting all liberal and expecting the same lifestyle of their parents generation and obviously without having to work hard for it.
God I’m glad I get to employ young people and get to see how that isn’t the case at all.
AZGrizFan wrote:
How about 50+ % of those under 30?
And there it is. Youngin’s acting all liberal and expecting the same lifestyle of their parents generation and obviously without having to work hard for it.
God I’m glad I get to employ young people and get to see how that isn’t the case at all.
Yes, there it is. It’s been proven in a number of polls, and stated by major political candidates pandering to this large group. They support socialism. You disagree with that assessment?
"Ah fuck. You are right." KYJelly, 11/6/12
"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." Barack Obama, 9/25/12
— All 50 States go blue
— Electoral College abolished
— Stock market crashes: Dow hits 1,000
— Northern and southern borders opened; hordes of illegals pour in
— Donk Congress and state legislatures give illegals voting rights, welfare handouts, and bonuses for having more anchor babies
— Red China submerges the US economically, with yuan replacing dollar as global standard currency, and steals every last piece of US intellectual property
— Putin announces hostile takeover of the Five Families and becomes world’s #1 organized crime boss
— House speaker AOC and Senator Spartacus announce drive to repeal entire Bill of Rights and rewrite Constitution
— Democratic Party has sole ballot access; Republicans disappear; Libertarians and Greens stay irrelevant
— Democrat constituencies breed like rabbits; non-Hispanic whites die off
— Donk Congress expand SCOTUS to 21 Justices, filling new seats with foam-at-the-mouth progtards, including Barack Hussein Obama
— Sharia Law declared supreme in Dearborn, St. Paul, and AOC’s home district
— Marginal tax rates raised to 95%
— Budget deficits and national debt at highest levels ever
— Military spending cut by 90% to fund more entitlements
— Administrative state runs amok; Lois Lerner comes out of retirement to run IRS
— Unemployment rate hits 40%
— 257 New hate crimes created, including mocking Rastafarians
— Green New Deal kills off whatever remains of the private sector
— dodgy obstruction of justice claims used to impeach President Trump, VP Pence,and every Cabinet official
And there it is. Youngin’s acting all liberal and expecting the same lifestyle of their parents generation and obviously without having to work hard for it.
God I’m glad I get to employ young people and get to see how that isn’t the case at all.
Yes, there it is. It’s been proven in a number of polls, and stated by major political candidates pandering to this large group. They support socialism. You disagree with that assessment?
Supporting some socialized programs ain’t the same as believing it cures all the ills - your words.
It would be the same as accusing all conservatives of supporting anarchy or feudalism.
AZGrizFan wrote:
Yes, there it is. It’s been proven in a number of polls, and stated by major political candidates pandering to this large group. They support socialism. You disagree with that assessment?
Supporting some socialized programs ain’t the same as believing it cures all the ills - your words.
It would be the same as accusing all conservatives of supporting anarchy or feudalism.
You’re not an anarcho-feudalist, are you?
Wait...never mind...
If that’s all you think they’re after you’re part of the problem.
"Ah fuck. You are right." KYJelly, 11/6/12
"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." Barack Obama, 9/25/12