SLC Football May See Changes (or demise?)

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Re: SLC Football May See Changes (or demise?)

Post by slulionsfan »

The problem with Louisiana Higher Education isn't too many's a lack of commitment to properly fund what we have. The state had a tax structure in place - called the Stelly Plan - that if still in place, would generate enough revenue to fill the current gaps. But our governor campaigned on rolling it back and he's too stubborn and tied to his political ideology to realize it was a mistake to do so. He also wants to be President, which means to win favor in his party, he has to run as far away from anything to do with raising revenue (i.e. taxes).

As for eliminating schools, it will never happen. I guess I should know to "never say never" but it would be political suicide and is not in any serious consideration. Yes, there are individuals who are suggesting it, but will never get past the discussion phase IMO.
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Re: SLC Football May See Changes (or demise?)

Post by slulionsfan »

The problem with Louisiana Higher Education isn't too many's a lack of commitment to properly fund what we have. The state had a tax structure in place - called the Stelly Plan - that if still in place, would generate enough revenue to fill the current gaps. But our governor campaigned on rolling it back and he's too stubborn and tied to his political ideology to realize it was a mistake to do so. He also wants to be President, which means to win favor in his party, he has to run as far away from anything to do with raising revenue (i.e. taxes).

As for eliminating schools, it will never happen. I guess I should know to "never say never" but it would be political suicide and is not in any serious consideration. Yes, there are individuals who are suggesting it, but will never get past the discussion phase IMO.
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Re: SLC Football May See Changes (or demise?)

Post by frinq »

I agree - the politics of removing schools is daunting. Try removing even one. By the way, our budget for 09-10 is $248 million, with a student headcount of 28,000. Working on the simplistic economies of scale, we're pushing enrollment as far as it will go. The state is lowering its contribution more and more every year, and working on the assumption that this will continue -a good assumption - we're depending on tuition (and fund-raising) to get us through this. We're by far the largest university in the state now, and in ten years we'll be up to 35,000 students. We'll be UCLA without the California funding. There's been talk of cutting loose from the state and going private, but only talk. Sorry to here about LA's problems. It's like Oregon, a small population, a small tax base. A perrenial education problem.
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Re: SLC Football May See Changes (or demise?)

Post by Craneac Cowboy »

damn and i just moved to Lake Charles last wednesday! summer school starts June 4th... also i just bought a few shirts that say McNeese STATE on them so maybe those might be rare in a few years.

if mcneese went private and raised tuition i would have to go to ULL... oh geez lets just get rid of Obama and figure it out
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Re: SLC Football May See Changes (or demise?)

Post by dbackjon »

Craneac Cowboy wrote:damn and i just moved to Lake Charles last wednesday! summer school starts June 4th... also i just bought a few shirts that say McNeese STATE on them so maybe those might be rare in a few years.

if mcneese went private and raised tuition i would have to go to ULL... oh geez lets just get rid of Obama and figure it out
How does Obama have anything to do with the REPUBLICANS in Louisiana eliminating the major funding source for LA Universities?
:ohno: :ohno: :ohno: :ohno:
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Re: SLC Football May See Changes (or demise?)

Post by Grizalltheway »

dbackjon wrote:
Craneac Cowboy wrote:damn and i just moved to Lake Charles last wednesday! summer school starts June 4th... also i just bought a few shirts that say McNeese STATE on them so maybe those might be rare in a few years.

if mcneese went private and raised tuition i would have to go to ULL... oh geez lets just get rid of Obama and figure it out
How does Obama have anything to do with the REPUBLICANS in Louisiana eliminating the major funding source for LA Universities?
:ohno: :ohno: :ohno: :ohno:
Craneac has a good heart (presumably) but he doesn't seem like the sharpest knife in the drawer...
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Re: SLC Football May See Changes (or demise?)

Post by Craneac Cowboy »

well first off politics is to deep... should be easier. we have had democratic governors running up the bills around here. most recent one was crying on tv during katrina. and i guess you could say i do have a good heart and def not the sharpest tool. i know a little about a lot. i just dont see how you can spend what u dont have? hahaha i mean its like spending the only 10$ you have in your pocket at burger king then going to mcdonalds and spending another 10$?! hahaha

they amaze me in washington dc

just wish we had people like george washington walking around
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