NCAA investigating Montana

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NCAA investigating Montana

Post by pantherrob82 »

Didn't see this posted yet. ... ncaaf.html" onclick=";return false;
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Re: NCAA investigating Montana

Post by clenz »

I burried it in the JJ expelled thread....but didn't do a thread of it's own (like I should have).

When the DOE, DOJ, and the NCAA are investigating how the university (the city as well in fairness) handles these things do you still believe it is nothing more than "femnazi's trying to bring the program down"
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Re: NCAA investigating Montana

Post by mlbowl »

clenz wrote:I burried it in the JJ expelled thread....but didn't do a thread of it's own (like I should have).

When the DOE, DOJ, and the NCAA are investigating how the university (the city as well in fairness) handles these things do you still believe it is nothing more than "femnazi's trying to bring the program down"

Well, if you truly wanted to be "fair", you would note that the NCAA did not disclose what allegations it is investigating. Yet, you continue to take the low road. There have been a few accusations hurled toward members of the football team but only one case where charges have been filed.
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Re: NCAA investigating Montana

Post by mlbowl »

Just one quick google search of UNI and rape allegations brought up this little gem. Apparently, UNI is being sued by this young lady for #!*GASP#@%...the way they handled her rape case. to comment on your rapist football members?

There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. - Coach Finstock
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Re: NCAA investigating Montana

Post by clenz »

mlbowl wrote:Just one quick google search of UNI and rape allegations brought up this little gem. Apparently, UNI is being sued by this young lady for #!*GASP#@%...the way they handled her rape case. to comment on your rapist football members?

Yep....and rather than defend the university and condemn the lady there is a thread on PantherNation condemning the university and all those involved.

Also, in stead of defending the football players and calling this female "a femnazi who wants to bring the football program down" the football players were prosecuting and sent to fucking jail.
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Re: NCAA investigating Montana

Post by mlbowl »

clenz wrote:
mlbowl wrote:Just one quick google search of UNI and rape allegations brought up this little gem. Apparently, UNI is being sued by this young lady for #!*GASP#@%...the way they handled her rape case. to comment on your rapist football members?

Yep....and rather than defend the university and condemn the lady there is a thread on PantherNation condemning the university and all those involved.

Who's defending the University?...Pardon me if i get a little offended when somebody (DJH) claims that "practically our entire football team" has been accused of rape. ESPECIALLY when your own back yard has been pretty messy.
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Re: NCAA investigating Montana

Post by clenz »

Hell, I'll go one step further. An audit that UNI did about how reports are handled was released the other day. It found that the university needed to change some things to better help those who report abuse/rape. ... x.htmlIOWA" onclick=";return false; CITY, Iowa (AP) -- An audit conducted for the University of Northern Iowa is calling for school to overhaul their policies and procedures for handling sexual misconduct complaints to better serve students.

The audit by the National Center for Higher Education Risk Management concludes that UNI students do not know how to report sexual assault and are given confusing information from the school's website and policies.

The audit says investigations are handled inconsistently by different offices based on the type of complaint, and that bureaucratic conflicts and resistance has undermined the campus' ability to have a comprehensive strategy for handling such matters.

The university requested the audit as part of a review of its sexual assault policies. It was obtained by The Associated Press through the state's public records law.

What's ironic is that if you read the page on the UNI website and you still don't know how to report, you're not that smart. Keep in mind this page hasn't been updated in over 2 years. ... e/support/" onclick=";return false;

Victim Assistance & Support

Counseling Services
Medical Services
Reporting/Filing a Complaint
Advocacy Services
Housing Resources
Financial Help
Religious Support
Employee Victim Assistance
Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE)
Anonymous Reporting Form
After a rape, there are so many decisions to make, at a time when you can barely function.

“Where should I go for medical care?”
“Who can I trust?” “Will they believe me?”
“Should I notify the police?”
“How will I make it through school?”
After an assault, it is common to feel confused, betrayed and frightened, to wonder who you can trust and to blame yourself in some way for what happened. The University of Northern Iowa can provide many resources, both on and off campus, to help you recover from the assault.

Encouraging Counseling
Supporting a Victim
Visiting this website is a wonderful way to begin privately gathering information about what to do. Please know that you will be treated compassionately if you make contact with any of these helping resources and you will not be blamed in any way for this crime.

The following list of resources was compiled to help you identify where to seek care.

Counseling Services
UNI Counseling Center
103 Student Health Center (upper level)
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA 50614
319-273-2676" onclick=";return false;
Licensed Psychologists and Mental Health Counselors provide free, confidential individual and group counseling for UNI students. A counselor is available during regular office hours to meet with students in crisis or to consult with faculty or staff about an urgent situation. After hours, call UNI Public Safety at (319) 273-2712 and they will contact the on-call counselor when appropriate. Referral services, consultation, and educational presentations are also available.

Seeds of Hope
2055 Kimball, Suite 355
Waterloo, IA 50702
888-746-HOPE (4673)" onclick=";return false;

24-hour crisis line
24-hour rape/sexual assault medical, legal and court advocacy
Individual counseling and support groups
Emergency cellular phone loan program
Transportation to medical and counseling appointments
Training, community education, and prevention
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Medical Services
UNI Student Health Clinic
Student Health Center (main level)
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA 50614
319-273-2009" onclick=";return false;

Care for acute medical or psychological injuries, protection from infection, pregnancy testing, emergency contraception, and pregnancy options counseling, sexually transmitted disease testing and treatment, including HIV antibody testing, medical followup services, physicals (including pap smears), urinary tract infection screening, referral for evidence collection and for campus and community counseling and advocacy services. All services and tests for victims of sexual assault are provided in a safe, non-judgmental environment and are free and confidential to the patient.

Sartori Memorial Hospital
515 College St.
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Call 911 for an ambulance" onclick=";return false;
24-Hour emergency medical services and examinations for evidence using a rape kit.

Covenant Medical Center
3421 West Ninth St
Waterloo, IA 50702
Call 911 for an ambulance" onclick=";return false;
24-Hour emergency medical services and examinations for evidence using a rape kit.

Allen Hospital
1825 Logan Avenue
Waterloo, IA 50703
Call 911 for an ambulance" onclick=";return false;
24-Hour emergency medical services and examinations for evidence using a rape kit.

Black Hawk County Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Clinic
1407 Independence Ave. (5th floor)
Waterloo, IA 50703
Free, confidential sexually transmitted disease testing and treatment, anonymous HIV antibody testing. No appointment necessary. Please phone for clinic hours.

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Reporting/Filing a Complaint
University Police
030 Gilchrist Hall (main level)
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA 50614
319-273-4000 (Emergency)" onclick=";return false;

UNI Police are committed to providing a safe campus environment. UNI Police officers will assist victims in determining whether a crime was committed, and what options are available for the victim to pursue. In the event the incident occurred off campus, UNI Police will assist in contacting the appropriate law enforcement agency. Assistance can be requested from UNI Police without filing formal criminal charges or making a complaint to the university. Services include:

Contacting an advocate to be present during the process, with permission of the victim
Assisting in providing medical attention
Providing information about criminal and/or university complaint processes
Assisting in contacting other law enforcement agencies, if the incident occurred off-campus
Assisting in contacting institutional officials for requests to ensure safety while on campus
Assisting in explaining and providing a written copy of the victim’s rights
Cedar Falls Police Department
220 Clay Street
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
911 (Emergency)
To report a sexual assault that occurred in the city of Cedar Falls, but not on University of Northern Iowa property. Reporting is not the same as filing charges, but helps preserve your options, should you choose to pursue prosecution of your assailant.

Waterloo Police Department
City Hall
715 Mulberry Street
Waterloo, IA 50703
911 (Emergency)
To report sexual abuse if the assault occurred in the city of Waterloo, but not on University of Northern Iowa property. Reporting is not the same as filing charges, but helps preserve your options, should you choose to pursue prosecution of your assailant.

UNI Dean of Students Office
118 Gilchrist Hall (upper level)
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA 50614
319-273-2332" onclick=";return false;

The Dean of Students will coordinate the university’s response to reports of sexual misconduct. This includes:

Insuring that victims are provided with appropriate support including facilitating requests for alternate housing and negotiating academic accommodations
Investigating reports of alleged sexual misconduct involving students
Issuing no contact and no trespass orders
Initiating interim actions against the accused, such as interim suspension or residence hall suspension, in accordance with the provisions outlined in Article IV (I) of the Student Conduct Code.
Overseeing the student disciplinary process
Assisting victims and accused students in understanding their rights under the university student disciplinary process
Insuring that information regarding the Sexual Misconduct Policy and related services is made available to students and employees in print and via the university website
UNI Office of Compliance and Equity Management
117 Gilchrist Hall (upper level)
319-273-2846" onclick=";return false;

To discuss/and or report incidents of sexual harassment. To access the University's policy on sexual harassment please visit" onclick=";return false;. To report sexual harassment perpetrated by a University employee, contact the Office of Compliance and Equity Management. Allegations against graduate students, in the context of their employee role with the University, should be filed with the Office of Compliance and Equity Management. To report sexual harassment perpetrated by a student, contact the Dean of Students Office (273-2332).
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Advocacy Services
Victim Services Advocate
UNI Office of Violence Intervention Services
101 Wellness and Recreation Center
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA 50614

The Office of Violence Intervention Services will be the primary point of referral for a student who alleges sexual misconduct. Advocacy services will be made available to students free of charge and will include:

Counseling and medical referrals both on campus and in the community
Assisting victims in accessing resources
Providing information on all reporting and complaint options and how to file such complaints (including university disciplinary, criminal, and civil complaints)
Assistance in securing updates concerning the status of University and criminal complaints
Assistance in accessing safe housing, including alternate campus housing
Assistance with requests for changes in academic class schedule and other academic accommodations
Assistance in obtaining University no contact orders and court issued protective orders
Assistance in obtaining reimbursement for crime-related expenses
Accompanying victims to meetings with university, law enforcement, and other officials as requested by the victim
Assistance in preparing victim impact statements
Seeds of Hope
2055 Kimball, Suite 355
Waterloo, IA 50702
888-746-HOPE (4673)" onclick=";return false;

24-hour crisis line
24-hour rape/sexual assault medical, legal and court advocacy
Individual counseling and support groups
Emergency cellular phone loan program
Transportation to medical and counseling appointments
Training, community education, and prevention
Crime Victim Assistance Program
Blackhawk County Attorney's Office
Information regarding victim's rights and assistance in trial preparation, in obtaining restitution and in reclaiming property held as evidence. Referral assistance and accompaniment to court (if desired).
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Housing Resources
Residence Hall Staff
Department of Residence
10 Redeker Center (main level)
(319) 273-2333 (can connect you to individual halls)" onclick=";return false;

Resident Assistants and Residence Life Coordinators are tremendous resources to students who have been sexually abused. In addition to providing emotional support, Coordinators can (under certain circumstances) initiate a no trespass order which forbids your assailant from entering your residence hall.

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Financial Help
Crime Victim Compensation Fund
Iowa Crime Victim Compensation Program
1-800-373-5044 or 515-281-5044" onclick=";return false;

Reinbursement for cost of sexual assault evidence collection ("rape kit" exam). Will reimburse for other crime-related expenses (e.g. lost wages, medical /counseling costs) under certain conditions.

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Religious Support
UNI Campus Ministries Members include:

Campus Episcopalians
College Hill Lutheran
First Presbyterian Church
Glad Tidings Assemblies of God
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
Lutheran Student Center
Orchard Hill Reform Church
St. Stephen Student Center
The Navigators
Wesley Foundation
Additional information about Campus Ministries is available online via the Student Organizations website.

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Employee Victim Assistance

Incidents of Discrimination and/or Harassment:
An allegation of discrimination and/or harassment against a University employee, vendor, or other third party should be addressed to the Office of Compliance and Equity Management (OCEM) which is located in 117 Gilchrist Hall (319-273-2846).

An allegation against a student should be reported to the Dean of Students and will be resolved through student conduct procedures. All University employees in a supervisory capacity are required to report to the OCEM, any allegation of discrimination and/or harassment of which they are made aware. Non-supervisory employees are strongly encouraged to report such allegations to any supervisor or directly to the OCEM. Additional details concerning the reporting and resolution of these complaints are contained in UNI’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy.

Incidents of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence and Stalking
Employees who have been victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault and/or are strongly encouraged to report the abuse to law enforcement officials and to seek confidential assistance from Seeds of Hope, a community-based agency that provides both advocacy and counseling services. Counseling services may also be obtained through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

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VINELink is the online version of VINE (Victim Information and Notification Everyday), the National Victim Notification Network. This service allows crime victims to obtain timely and reliable information about criminal cases and the custody status of offenders 24 hours a day. Victims and other concerned citizens can also register to be notified by phone, email or TTY device when an offender's custody status changes. Users can also register through their participating state or county toll-free number.

Iowa Statewide
VINE Service Number: (888) 742-8463
Iowa Statewide Resources
Iowa State Resources is the online version of VINE (Victim Information and Notification Everyday), the National Victim Notification Network. This service allows crime victims to obtain timely and reliable information about criminal cases and the custody status of offenders 24 hours a day. Victims and other concerned citizens can also register to be notified by phone, email or TTY device when an offender's custody status changes. Users can also register through their participating state or county toll-free number.

The website also gives links to:

Online Forms
Request a program/presentation
Sexual Assault Anonymous Reporting Form
Printable Forms
Consexual Creed Form
Domestic Violence Safety Plan
Harassment Log
Stalking Incident Log

The website also lists this

Victim’s Rights Afforded by the University of Northern Iowa
Your report will be taken seriously and you will be treated with dignity.
We will provide referrals to a sexual assault advocate who can assist you in understanding and evaluating options that are available to you.
We will help you notify the proper civil, criminal and administrative authorities, should you choose to do so.
We will not discourage you from reporting the incident.
You will not be blamed, subtly or overtly, for what happened.
You will be afforded the same rights as the accused in regards to campus disciplinary proceedings.
You will be notified promptly of the outcome of such proceedings.
You will have the full and prompt cooperation of Public Safety personnel in obtaining, securing and maintaining evidence that would assist in subsequent legal proceedings.
We will take reasonably feasible steps to prevent unnecessary or unwanted contact or proximity with your assailant, including no contact notices and no trespassing orders. At your request, we will also help you find alternate housing and/or change your class assignments.
You have the right to counseling. Campus personnel will help you locate these resources.
You have the right to be made aware of, and assisted in, exercising any options as provided by state and federal laws.
Sexual Assault Victim's Rights Afforded by the State of Iowa
You have the right to ask the police for help with any of the following on a temporary basis:

If you believe that police protection is needed for your physical safety, you have the right to request that the officer present remain at the scene until you and other affected parties can leave or until safety is otherwise ensured. If the officer(s) are unable to remain on the scene, you have the right to be assisted in leaving the scene.
You have the right to be assisted in obtaining medical treatment necessitated by the sexual assault, including assistance in obtaining transportation to the emergency room of the nearest hospital.
You have the right to ask the court for help with any of the following on a temporary basis:

Keeping your attacker away from you, your home, and your place of work.
The right to stay at your home without interference from your attacker.
The right to seek a no-contact order under section 664A.3 or 915.22, if your attacker is arrested for sexual assault.
You have the right to register as a victim with the county attorney under section 915.12.
You have the right to file a complaint for threats, assaults, or other related crimes.
You have the right to seek restitution against your attacker for harm to you or your property.
You have the right to apply for victim compensation.
You have the right to contact the county attorney or local law enforcement to determine the status of your case.
If you are in need of medical treatment, you have the right to request athat the officer present assist you in obtaining transportation to the nearest hospital or otherwise assist you.
You have the right to a sexual assault examination performed at state expense.
You have the right to request the presence of a victim counselor, as defined in section 915.20A, at any proceeding related to an assault including a medical examination.
Seeds of Hope 1-888-746-4673 (24 hour crisis line) Free, confidential services including telephone support, medical, legal and court advocacy, individual and group counseling, emergency cellular phone loan program, and transportation to medical and counseling appointments.
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Re: NCAA investigating Montana

Post by clenz »

Now, the audit UNI hired that firm to do needs to be taken seriously - and it will be. Since this lawsuit came up the university has taken every single report extremely seriously.

I would ask, however, that you go to the linked website of UNI's and tell me if you feel as though you don't know how/where/to whom report sexual assault and get help
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Re: NCAA investigating Montana

Post by mlbowl »

That's great, it possible that some of that came about because of that case? I'm sure hopeful some good comes from all of the UofM mess.
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Re: NCAA investigating Montana

Post by clenz »

mlbowl wrote:That's great, it possible that some of that came about because of that case? I'm sure hopeful some good comes from all of the UofM mess.
Some came from that case, you bet.

A good chunk came from the amount of research that some professors on campus do with sexual abuse of all kinds. I took classes with one of them and worked on various projects with him. They work very closely with the Black Hawk County D.A.R.T. (Domestic Abuse Response Team) and Black Hawk County Sherriff department to create policies.

I will never claim UNI (or any campus is free of these types of incidents). However, what Montana is facing right now is well beyond anything I've ever heard of (With the exception of PSU and maybe a couple other cases around the country).

I hope for UM's sake it is much ado about nothing. I'm not ready to condemn the university and call for sanctions and what not. However, with all three agencies investigating something at the same time something very suspicious is going on.

I wouldn't be so quick, as I've read from pretty much every single Montana fan, to dismiss every thing as fem-nazi's trying to bring the athletic department down.
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Re: NCAA investigating Montana

Post by frinq »

What PSU are you referring to, Clenz? Certainly not Portland State.
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Re: NCAA investigating Montana

Post by frinq »

Oh, right. You mean Penn State.
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Re: NCAA investigating Montana

Post by Willie »

Where is DJH? Figured that fuck would be spewing his usual garbage over this, even though it's not new news.
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Re: NCAA investigating Montana

Post by mtgrizfan4life »

Can we talk some football, somewhere?
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