Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since Ike

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Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since Ike

Post by Cap'n Cat »


:nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: ... mmigration" onclick=";return false;

GOP Lie Goes Up in Flames: EVERY President Since and Including Eisenhower Used Executive Power on Immigration

One of the big conservative fears is that Obama is going to do what Ronald Reagan did before him: issue amnesty to illegal immigrants to the country. Despite all the talk about the “Unconstitutional” nature of his impeding executive action and their wild claims that President Obama is orchestrating a power-grab, it should surprise nobody to learn that, like always, the GOP is wrong.

A report from the American Immigration Council breaks down the history of the use of executive orders by presidents on both parties, and demolishes the GOP talking point with a single line: by orchestrating this executive order, President Obama would follow in “a long line of presidents who relied on their executive branch authority to address immigration challenges.”

Including King Ronald and the Bushies!

“Perhaps the most striking historical parallel to today’s immigration challenges is the ‘Family Fairness’ policy implemented by Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush, Sr. The story behind the fairness policy begins on November 6, 1986, when President Reagan signed the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), which gave up to 3 million unauthorized immigrants a path to legalization if they had been ‘continuously’ present in the U.S. since January 1, 1982. But the new law excluded their spouses and children who didn’t qualify and forced them to wait in line, creating ‘split-eligibility’ families, as they were called.

The U.S. Catholic bishops and immigration groups criticized President Reagan for separating families.


The senate moved in 1989 to protect a much larger group, which prohibited the deportation of spouses and children of those who were legalizing under the IRCA, but the legislation stalled in the House until 1990, when President Bush Sr. administratively implemented the bill’s provisions as they were drafted by the Senate.
That’s right, George Herbert Walker Bush implemented part of a bill by himself, using executive orders.

Something tells me that Republicans like Senator Ted Cruz (R-Comcast Cable) are willingly ignorant of this fact.

Meanwhile, Bush I’s INS commissioner expanded the blanket deferral to as many as 1.5 million spouses and children of legalizing immigrants. Thus, Bush I protected over 40% of the then-unauthorized population from deportation. The House would pass that legislation, and President Bush would later sign it.
Bush II had his hand in it as well; in 2007, he provided relief in the form of the Deferred Enforced Departure, which saved something like 3,600 Liberians from deportation. He also suspended the employer verification rules, in addition to a number of other gestures with his “pen and phone” that helped an unknown number of illegal immigrants.

The Center for American Progress added addition context, and noted that every president since Dwight Eisenhower — from Ike to Obama — has used executive orders on the issue of immigration. Specifically, it’s happened on 39 different occasions over the last 60 years — that’s little over one every two years, beginning with the Immigration and Nationality Act in 1952

How some of you assholes can be Conks is just….amazing. Shame.

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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

Post by Cap'n Cat »

BroncoButt, T, Baldness and Cluckie -

Does this mean Reagan wiped his ass with the Constitution, too?!?!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

Post by Bronco »

If we had a Reagan like president instead of Obummer you would be working by now

A big difference between signing a law passed in Congress and ordering amnesty by executive fiat (unconstitutional).

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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

Post by Cap'n Cat »

Bronco wrote:Cappy,
If we had a Reagan like president instead of Obummer you would be working by now

A big difference between signing a law passed in Congress and ordering amnesty by executive fiat (unconstitutional).

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Shit, Bronchitis, my company is buying your company tomorrow! Made a killing in the Obama stock market!!!

Your cocksucker, Reagan, bypassed Congress all the fucking time, not waiting for something to be passed by them, dumbass. You positively DO NOT know hat you're talking about, again, you old fuck. Take your teeth back out and go take another nap, old man.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

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Remember BO, immigration is good for America.

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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

Post by BDKJMU »

Gil Dobie wrote:Remember BO, LEGAL immigration is good for America.

Proud deplorable Ultra MAGA fascist NAZI trash clinging to my guns and religion (and whatever else I’ve been labeled by Obama/Clinton/Biden/Harris).
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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

Post by CID1990 »

There's a difference here and it isn't insignificant.

This President is doing it for purely political gain, and he is doing it expressly because he cannot work with Congress. Neither of those two factors were in play for any of the previous Presidents. In fact, it was compliant Congresses that have allowed ALL the Presidents since Eisenhower to do this.

And consider this: the only stumbling block to an immigration reform bill prior to this year was a Harry Reid controlled Senate. House and Senate Republicans would have voted on a bill as long as it made border security a condition of amnesty. It was no secret that major Republican members of Congress were on board with it. We don't call him Lindsey Grahamnesty for nothing.
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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

Post by Col Hogan »

The Big Lie...Others have Done It So Its OK...

"Today is the big day, and the Progressive media is in full spin to mitigate the anger Americans are expressing about President Obama’s decision to offer legal status to millions of people who broke the law. That spin has taken many forms, including the novel arguments that the executive branch is empowered to act whenever the legislative branch declines and that the executive branch’s enforcement discretion includes the affirmative grant of benefits not otherwise authorized by law. Most recently, however, Progressive columnists have settled on an old favorite tactic: justify Democratic misbehavior by claiming (falsely, as you will see) that a Republican did it first.

Democrats across print, web, and cable media have been repeating the claim that Obama is doing nothing more than what Presidents Reagan and Bush 41 did first. They point to executive actions taken in 1987 and 1989 that deferred the removal of certain aliens. But, as usual for Progressive commentators, they elide the crucial facts that distinguish those actions from Obama’s. The sign that you’re being swindled isn’t so much what the con artist tells you, but what he does not tell you. What the Progressive commentariat is not telling you is that the Reagan and Bush immigration orders looked nothing like Obama’s creation of a new, open-ended form of immigration relief.

Legally, illegal immigration is dealt with in two steps. First, the Department of Homeland Security (in Reagan and Bush 41′s time, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, or INS) has to show that an alien is removable (deportable, in Reagan and Bush 41′s lingo) from the United States. Then the alien gets a chance to show that they are eligible for some form of relief from removal or deportation. Ordinarily, those forms of relief are created by Congress. There is asylum and adjustment and cancellation of removal, and so on and so forth, all set down in statute by Congress over the decades (more than a century in the case of certain waivers) in an overlapping mess of eligibilities and disqualifiers and discretionary decisions.

With some regularity, however, the existing forms of immigration relief have been overtaken by circumstances. When that has happened, Congress steps in. In 1986, faced with a large and growing population of illegal aliens, Congress created a new, time-limited form of immigration relief for certain aliens who, among other things, had to have come to the United States more than six years previously. This is the much ballyhooed Reagan amnesty. It was, unfortunately, riddled with fraud in its execution, the uncovering of which is still roiling the immigrant community. But even setting that aside it left President Reagan with a moral dilemma. Congress’ amnesty was large—just shy of 3 million people—and it had the unanticipated effect of splitting up freshly-legalized parents from their illegally-present minor children who did not qualify for relief.

What the Progressive commentariat is not telling you is that the Reagan and Bush immigration orders looked nothing like Obama’s creation of a new, open-ended form of immigration relief.
So Reagan, seeing this family unity problem that Congress had not anticipated or addressed when it granted amnesty to millions of parents, issued an executive order to defer the removal of children of the people who had applied for immigration amnesty under Congress’ new law. He allowed those children to remain in the United States while their parents’ applications for amnesty were pending. A few years later, Bush 41 extended this bit of administrative grace to these same children plus certain spouses of the aliens who had actually been granted immigration amnesty under Congress’ new law.

Congress, though it had desired to grant amnesty, had not considered and not included the spouses and children. Importantly, nor had it excluded them. So Presidents Reagan and Bush 41 filled that statutory gap. “What do we do with spouses and children?” INS asked. “Well,” the executive branch leaders said, “defer their deportation. Decline to exercise your lawful authority for the particular cases that are related to those Congress has offered amnesty.”

These Reagan and Bush 41 executive actions were obviously different than what Obama is doing now. They were trying to implement a complicated amnesty that Congress had already passed. Congress’ action was a form of immigration relief that obviously fit within our constitutional system. Moreover, Congress left a gap when it came to immediate family members, including minor children, of individuals who qualified for the amnesty. Presidents Reagan and Bush 41 forbore from deporting people in that select group.

Obama is clearly contravening both ordinary practice and the wishes of Congress—as expressed in statute—by declaring an amnesty himself. This is nothing like Reagan’s or Bush’s attempts to implement Congress’ amnesty.
Obama, in contrast to Reagan and Bush 41, is not trying to implement a lawfully created amnesty. There has been no congressional amnesty. In fact, there has been no immigration action from Congress in the past few years except the post-9/11 REAL ID Act of 2005, which made it harder, not easier, for aliens to qualify for immigration relief. More than that, Congress declined to pass a legalization of the type Obama is issuing during both Obama’s term and in a hotly-contested bill during President Bush 43′s term.

Thus, Obama is clearly contravening both ordinary practice and the wishes of Congress—as expressed in statute—by declaring an amnesty himself. This is nothing like Reagan’s or Bush’s attempts to implement Congress’ amnesty. The progressive media’s claims otherwise are blatant lies, relying on their readers’ ignorance of events in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Such attempts should be rejected wherever they are found.

If Obama wants to justify his lawless immigration action, he will have to do it some other way than citing (blaming, more like) prior Republican presidents. They, to their credit, were trying to implement Congress’ will. Obama, on the other hand, has declared that his government will act despite Congress, or, I suspect, to spite Congress. Such pettiness finds no support in the presidencies of Reagan and Bush." ... ive-order/" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

Post by andy7171 »

JSO hijacked DJP's account!
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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

Post by Ibanez »

CID1990 wrote:There's a difference here and it isn't insignificant.

This President is doing it for purely political gain, and he is doing it expressly because he cannot work with Congress. Neither of those two factors were in play for any of the previous Presidents. In fact, it was compliant Congresses that have allowed ALL the Presidents since Eisenhower to do this.

And consider this: the only stumbling block to an immigration reform bill prior to this year was a Harry Reid controlled Senate. House and Senate Republicans would have voted on a bill as long as it made border security a condition of amnesty. It was no secret that major Republican members of Congress were on board with it. We don't call him Lindsey Grahamnesty for nothing.
Plus he's doing this right after the Democrats lose control of the Senate. :coffee:
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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

Post by dbackjon »

CID1990 wrote:There's a difference here and it isn't insignificant.

This President is doing it for purely political gain, and he is doing it expressly because he cannot work with Congress. Neither of those two factors were in play for any of the previous Presidents. In fact, it was compliant Congresses that have allowed ALL the Presidents since Eisenhower to do this.

And consider this: the only stumbling block to an immigration reform bill prior to this year was a Harry Reid controlled Senate. House and Senate Republicans would have voted on a bill as long as it made border security a condition of amnesty. It was no secret that major Republican members of Congress were on board with it. We don't call him Lindsey Grahamnesty for nothing.

More like the HOUSE refuses to work with him.
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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

Post by HI54UNI »

dbackjon wrote:
CID1990 wrote:There's a difference here and it isn't insignificant.

This President is doing it for purely political gain, and he is doing it expressly because he cannot work with Congress. Neither of those two factors were in play for any of the previous Presidents. In fact, it was compliant Congresses that have allowed ALL the Presidents since Eisenhower to do this.

And consider this: the only stumbling block to an immigration reform bill prior to this year was a Harry Reid controlled Senate. House and Senate Republicans would have voted on a bill as long as it made border security a condition of amnesty. It was no secret that major Republican members of Congress were on board with it. We don't call him Lindsey Grahamnesty for nothing.

More like the HOUSE refuses to work with him.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

Post by CID1990 »

dbackjon wrote:
CID1990 wrote:There's a difference here and it isn't insignificant.

This President is doing it for purely political gain, and he is doing it expressly because he cannot work with Congress. Neither of those two factors were in play for any of the previous Presidents. In fact, it was compliant Congresses that have allowed ALL the Presidents since Eisenhower to do this.

And consider this: the only stumbling block to an immigration reform bill prior to this year was a Harry Reid controlled Senate. House and Senate Republicans would have voted on a bill as long as it made border security a condition of amnesty. It was no secret that major Republican members of Congress were on board with it. We don't call him Lindsey Grahamnesty for nothing.

More like the HOUSE refuses to work with him.
Jon seriously you dont even have to post in these threads

we can just look up the latest talking points on the WH site and then assume you are in lockstep with them
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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

Post by Ivytalk »

dbackjon wrote:
CID1990 wrote:There's a difference here and it isn't insignificant.

This President is doing it for purely political gain, and he is doing it expressly because he cannot work with Congress. Neither of those two factors were in play for any of the previous Presidents. In fact, it was compliant Congresses that have allowed ALL the Presidents since Eisenhower to do this.

And consider this: the only stumbling block to an immigration reform bill prior to this year was a Harry Reid controlled Senate. House and Senate Republicans would have voted on a bill as long as it made border security a condition of amnesty. It was no secret that major Republican members of Congress were on board with it. We don't call him Lindsey Grahamnesty for nothing.

More like the HOUSE refuses to work with him.
Bullshit. Obummer had two full years to get this done when his Rainbow-Coalition party controlled both houses of Congress. :coffee:
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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

Post by houndawg »

CID1990 wrote:There's a difference here and it isn't insignificant.

This President is doing it for purely political gain, and he is doing it expressly because he cannot work with Congress. Neither of those two factors were in play for any of the previous Presidents. In fact, it was compliant Congresses that have allowed ALL the Presidents since Eisenhower to do this.

And consider this: the only stumbling block to an immigration reform bill prior to this year was a Harry Reid controlled Senate. House and Senate Republicans would have voted on a bill as long as it made border security a condition of amnesty. It was no secret that major Republican members of Congress were on board with it. We don't call him Lindsey Grahamnesty for nothing.
Sometimes when you're the minority party you don't always get what you want.

The republicans have nothing, no plan, no ideas, no clue; nothing but the big "nyet". This is just a warm-up, the fun will be when they have to chump all their voters that passed minimum wage hikes in five states. 8-)
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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

Post by CID1990 »

Ivytalk wrote:
dbackjon wrote:

More like the HOUSE refuses to work with him.
Bullshit. Obummer had two full years to get this done when his Rainbow-Coalition party controlled both houses of Congress. :coffee:
i dont know what is more breathtaking

the spin that comes put of this White House or the otherwise intelligent people who pretend to believe it
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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

Post by houndawg »

Reid is going to make Boehner his bitch on this one. :nod:
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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

Post by ming01 »

I like how when Obama does something we dont like, libs always use the "Well Reagan did it. This president did it." Since past presidents have allegedly done this that makes it okay. :coffee:
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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

Post by hitchinaride »

Ronald Reagan was the biggest piece of shit to ever occupy the White House. CIA trafficking cocaine and if you want to talk the death of the middle class, take a look at wage stagnation before 1/20/81 and after. Trickle down alright because the 1% pissed all over the middle class and the poor. FUCK RONALD REAGAN!!!

Reagan raised the debt ceiling EIGHTEEN TIMES between 1981-1989. Obama raises it once and oh holy shit, let's just impeach him. Whatever. Until the day I die, I will proudly proclaim, FUCK RONALD REAGAN!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Immigration Exec Authority Fact: Used By Each Prez Since

Post by CID1990 »

hitchinaride wrote:Ronald Reagan was the biggest piece of **** to ever occupy the White House. CIA trafficking cocaine and if you want to talk the death of the middle class, take a look at wage stagnation before 1/20/81 and after. Trickle down alright because the 1% pissed all over the middle class and the poor. **** RONALD REAGAN!!!

Reagan raised the debt ceiling EIGHTEEN TIMES between 1981-1989. Obama raises it once and oh holy ****, let's just impeach him. Whatever. Until the day I die, I will proudly proclaim, **** RONALD REAGAN!!!!!!!!!!

lookit the cute talking point angry liberal
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