We will be using this bus
We can fit about 20-25 people on it, there is no charge for this but throwing a few bucks in the tip jar is always appreciated to help pay for gas.
If you are interested in this send me a PM or email at alphagriz1@gmail.com also let us know what kind of keg beer you guys want to drink. The bus can hold up to 16 kegs in the cooler.
I guess people could also post the kind of beer they want in this thread and I will tally it up and pick the most popular. Preferably beer from Big Sky Brewery since they give us deals on their beer for the bus.
Right now I have about 7 people lined up for this event and it will be Friday still deciding on a time but it will be something like noon/1pm to about 5-6pm that way you can still go out in downtown Missoula.
Thanks and travel safe