The Deep State

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Re: The Deep State

Post by Ivytalk »

Aho Old Guy wrote:
"Authority is power accepted as legitimate by those subjected to it"
(for all you Max Weber fans)
I have to snicker at all the Trumpies getting their panties in a bunch over "The Deep State"

The USA is a modern rational state based upon a legal structure of authority which is built upon a bureaucratic administrative structure. Get over it. Our Govt is made of laws, not populist pablum.

In the Dick Cheney White House the push was made to expand the Office of the President into a "strong(er) unitary executive" (which interestingly enough, the term "unitary executive branch" first appeared during the Reagan Administration in which The Dick was SecDef). The "expansion" of the concept has consistently grown since Reagan (not a surprise). What is also not a surprise is that our Presidents typically use their powers as Commander-in-Chief to expand the unitary executive power because it stands the best chance to pass Constitutional muster (NATIONAL SECURITY, dontyahknow ...).

Trump has conflated his populist 'charismatic' election (Is that diplomatic, or what?) with some convoluted vested legal authority fantasy which does not exist of a 'strong unitary executive' --- hence, the Federal Courts have already spanked his arse.

AND, if you want to see who really pumps The Deep State, go to Open Secrets. The looters of the US Treasury and their special interest lawyers are well represented there ...
Let me spell it out for you slowly, AlpoOldGuy, since you may be even older than I am. Article I of the Constitution does not mention, much less define the scope of, a "bureaucratic administrative structure," especially one that purports to usurp the legislative function of the Congressional "authority" that the document creates. The primary problem is that the bureaucracy is writing ( and enforcing) substantive law under the guise of adopting "regulations" pursuant to enabling legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by the Executive. It's a modern phenomenon, accelerating under the "phone and pen" Presidency of His Excellency B. Hussein Obummer. Congress is now an appendage, not the fully functioning branch of government that the Founders created. The bureaucracy is accountable to no one, is statist by definition, and is dedicated only to the accretion of its own power.When somebody like Trump recognizes that, the risks increase. Get it?

Maybe JellyBelly can find a graph that shows the increase in size of the Federal Register on a POTUS by POTUS basis.
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Re: The Deep State

Post by CID1990 »

The whole idea of executive privilege in terms of the deliberative process is something everyone agrees with (depending on if their guy is in office) and yet applaud unelected bureaucrats who would short circuit that process.

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