CS Weekly Update: Issue #5
It’s been three long weeks since the last update due to me being “away” from the computer in Beautiful Kauai. It was an amazing trip full of wonderful memories, activities and scenery. Snorkeling with sharks and turtles, boogie boarding nice waves, eating amazing food, and kayaking up rivers to secret waterfalls. It was a very nice getaway and break from the daily grind, but now I am back! I was a little saddened by the lack of people that missed me though, I guess I should have said I was retiring rather than going on vacation.
This recap is actually going to contain 3 topics from the football forum which is a new record, the second record set this week! First of all, we hit a new all time users online at once record yesterday! It was previously broken the day before so this has been a good week for CS. The first football forum topic is amazing in itself. It’s entitled “Blank” and goes on for three pages (as of now) of exciting football conversations. You should definitely check it out, you’ll thank me later… trust me!
The WAC has been a popular topic this week with the possibility of a new member joining the conference. Is it Montana, “Cow Poly”, Sac State? Who knows, but there are lots of opinions on who should/shouldn’t go and whether or not Boise will even leave the WAC to go the the MWC. Have an opinion? Throw it out there, you can’t be wrong… but I’m sure there are a few people out there that will tell you that you are.
Although this next bit of information didn’t happen this week, it is/was a very shocking piece of news upon my return to the main land. D1B has officially retired. This comes with a feeling of sad joy. What is sad joy you ask? Think about, read posts on D1B and report back to me.
[Edit: He has un-retired]. [Edit: He has officially retired again]. [Edit: He has unofficially un-retired once again]. [Edit: he has retired for 38 minutes]. [Edit: he’s back and in a non retired fashion].
Something I just wanted to point out that is a pretty cool and interesting tidbit is that the Official CS.com Drinking Thread hit its two year anniversary recently and is still going strong. It’s a great read and participatory topic. Football, Drinking and Girls… wow, if this site isn’t an exact image of a man’s brain I don’t know what is.
In another sad situation, a fellow FCS message board has been suspended indefinitely due to childish behavior of its members. I’m glad that the sites I run don’t have childish members, that would be a pain to deal with. I couldn’t imagine having to deal with those types of people, always criticizing the way you do things, attacking other members and overall just not happy with anything. I hope that site returns valiantly but I do have an offer to make. I will take control of the GoHens.net site and run it to return the sanity of previous admins. I have a knack for this sort of thing and would be happy to take over if you feel that would be a better solution. PM me if you are interested. Hens Fans, if you like this idea, start spreading the word.
The last topic for this weekly recap is about TV Lineups and Reality TV shows. Lets think about this for a second… On THIS website, we are talking about Fall Network Lineups and Reality TV Shows, started by UNHWildCats and dbackjon respectively. Hmmmm, coincidence…. maybe, shocking… not really, a reality… most likely. If anyone had any doubt about anything, you don’t anymore… I’m just sayin… wink wink. In all seriousness though, we as a community thank you both for your contributions, and I honestly mean that! We need topics other than the ones discussed in paragraph five above to even out… umm… yeah. I’ll just leave it at that.
[edit: LSAs still don’t work Ursus]
Thanks for reading yet another CS Weekly Update and I hope you all have a most enjoyable weekend.
This has been your CS Weekly Update, Enjoy!