Tag Archives | schedules

Site Updates 10/5/09

We have been hard at work here at ChampionshipSubdivison.com and have the following additions to announce to you! Hope you enjoy what we are doing here and we are looking forward to continuing the development process and providing you the BEST resource for FCS football! The following resources are possible due to the hard work of the members of this site.  Join our community today and grow with us.

1. FCS Schedules: Complete schedules broken down by conference and team. We currently have the complete 2009 schedules available and are working on the 2010 schedule. We will be creating additional future schedules as we get information on potential/confirmed games.

2. National School and Stadium Map: This is a complete map showing all FCS schools, color coded by conference.  Click on the school and it brings up information and links to help you find what ever you may be looking for.

3. ChampionshipSubdivision.com Top 25 Football Poll: We will be releasing our very first top 25 poll tomorrow.  We opted to wait till the season was underway to get a better representation of how the teams are actually doing verses how they were ranked before the season even started.  It will be very interesting to see how this turns out.

We are working on many other features as this post is being written so please check back!  If you have any great ideas for this site, please send me a PM on the forums. I love to hear what fans want and do everything I can to provide it!

Thanks for supporting this site and have a great season!