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2nd round, the Big Sky, and some more damn crow

Wow what a weekend, especially that SHSU and SELA game. That was fun to watch. Anyway so another round of the playoffs is in the book and we have learned something else. THE BIG SKY IS NOT THE BEST CONFERENCE IN THE COUNTRY. They have count it ONE, ONE playoff win this year they are ahead count it the MEAC, the NEC, and the Pioneer conferences. EWU while they splattered SDSU it was close till midway through the third quarter. Not a power conference or even the “top conference in the FCS” does that make. Jacksonville State-WTF? where the hell did you come from, congrats on peaking at the right time and again I will eat some more crow yum! because you proved me wrong, though maybe third time is a charm.

Alright boys and girls pick time:
rough hoe of it last week 4-4 for a 10-5 overall record:
EIU over Towson
NDSU over Coastal
EWU over Jax state


1st round and some crow

1.you should be utterly embarrassed with yourselves. You to Big Sky. The MVC 5th team BEAT the no.2 team in the Big Sky, but yet you took a fourth from the Big sky and not the 2nd from the MVC. Also the no.4 team from the big sky got thoroughly woodshedded by the no. 3 team from the Southland. Disappointing, Montana and EWU need to represent, though they got stuck with rough gets.

2. BOTH of your MEAC picks got beat, with the winner getting thrashed and the second place playing a decent game against a mediocre team from a major conference, proving again “7-5 team from the Big Sky, MVC, CAA are better than a 9-3 from a MEAC team any day of the week” to quote myself.

3.What is up with all of these 2nd-round intra-conference matchups the point of the playoffs is to play teams you have never seen, not people you have. Meh nothing I can do but complain I guess.

On the flip side OVC, I am enjoying a large helping of crow thanks to Jacksonville State’s stomping of Samford, their reward? A date with streaking Mcneese State. Good luck to you guys and congrats on winning big and bringing some respectability for the OVC even if it was against a down Samford from a weak Socon. Will reserve judgment on this team till after they play Mcneese.
SHSU-I will enjoy another heaping helping of crow for your win as well, you have proved that the Southland is a VERY good conference by beating a good SUU team and spoiling my prefect predicts.

Blog went:6-1 last week
Fordham over Towson(upset special)
Montana Over Coastal
Maine over UNH(tough to beat a team twice in a season let alone in three weeks)
EIU over Tennessee state
NDSU over Furman
Mcneese over Jacksonville State(this one could go either way)


Playoff picks

Alright here we go the reason we are named for what we are. the Championship playoffs:
Here are my thoughts-Patriot(lehigh) enjoy sitting at home you can’t lose by 25 to a 5-6 team and expect to make the playoffs.
Chuck South-schedule better AND go 10-3 and we’ll talk. UNI has an open date next year, Troy Dannen’s # is online.
First four out-

Jacksonville State
Charleston Southern

Here they are:(in no particular order)
Maine-CAA AQ
EWU-Big Sky AQ
Fordham-Patriot AL
SELA-Southland AQ
Montana=-Big Sky AL
Towson-CAA AL
Coastal Carolina-Big South AQ
Chattanooga-Socon AL
NAU-Big Sky AL
Mcneese-Southland AL
Furman-Socon AQ
SUU-Big Sky AL
SHSU-Southland AL
Lafayette(I hope they send you to NDSU)-Patriot Auto
Sacred Heart-NEC Auto
Bethune Cookman-MEAC auto
Butler-Pioneer AQ

Feel free to comment/I am open to discussion, I will post pics in the AM

EDIT:Dumping the third OVC bid(Jacksonville State) for a fourth MVC bid(yes call me a homer) Here’s the reason, there are not many teams(except maybe the top 5/6) that would take UNI’s schedule and NOT have struggles, especially with an FBS win and three OT losses. (16 points and we are #1 and undefeated)  The pieces are for the most part back in place for the Panthers(only Sawyer and Farley still out) and this team looks very good, call me a homer, but I think the conference strength helps as well.