Tag Archives | the Big fluffy

2nd round, the Big Sky, and some more damn crow

Wow what a weekend, especially that SHSU and SELA game. That was fun to watch. Anyway so another round of the playoffs is in the book and we have learned something else. THE BIG SKY IS NOT THE BEST CONFERENCE IN THE COUNTRY. They have count it ONE, ONE playoff win this year they are ahead count it the MEAC, the NEC, and the Pioneer conferences. EWU while they splattered SDSU it was close till midway through the third quarter. Not a power conference or even the “top conference in the FCS” does that make. Jacksonville State-WTF? where the hell did you come from, congrats on peaking at the right time and again I will eat some more crow yum! because you proved me wrong, though maybe third time is a charm.

Alright boys and girls pick time:
rough hoe of it last week 4-4 for a 10-5 overall record:
EIU over Towson
NDSU over Coastal
EWU over Jax state