CID1990 wrote: ↑Mon May 04, 2020 7:29 pm
JohnStOnge wrote: ↑Mon May 04, 2020 4:51 pm
Not the same at all because there is reasonable doubt about whether or not the one allegation we are talking about (the Reade allegation) about Biden is true. Christians voting for Trump have a lifetime of Trump behavior to look at. They have stuff like that Access Hollywood video with him behaving like he behaved without any doubt about it. They have countless instances of him being demonstrated to have lied. There is absolutely no doubt that he cheated on his wives repeatedly. They spent decades saying that character matters in a President and now they're saying it doesn't.
It actually is reasonable for Democrats to say they don't know that Biden did what Reade accused him of. It is not reasonable for White Evangelical Christians to say Trump isn't what Trump is.
You are full of crap and irrelevant. I will no longer respond to your delusional posts with more than one sentence.
I may be irrelevant but I am not full of crap on this one. White Evangelical Christians see Trump violate Christian values every day. They have access to a long history of him violating Christian values throughout his life. To reach some kind of equivalency in terms of hypocrisy "Me too" people would have to see Biden grabbing every female crotch that comes close to him, raping women on stage, etc. It's not the same at all.
If all Christians had to overlook was one instance of Trump doing something un-Christian decades ago maybe you'd have a case. But that's not how it is.