Weber State is my new Number 1

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Ursus A. Horribilis
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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by Ursus A. Horribilis »

Appaholic wrote:
And you're right....I can live with a Joe Burchette team dealing with that "travel" dilemma, snow, and the mighty Wa/Griz and losing by 3 in OT to one of the better all-time Montana, you're HS stadium is worth 1 pt, the weather 1 pt, and the travel 1pt......doesn't bode well for you guys if you have to leave Missoula......and I really hope we get the chance to play this year....we'll beat the griz like a rented mule.....
Alrighty Appa if you want to break down the points by loss that's up to you. That was not our NC team but it was a very good team that you lost to. The thing that's funny is that you try to mitigate the loss when it is used as a comeback to YOU bringing up the last two we had to two very strong teams that beat us by less than the point total you are defending. We lost both of those games by the proverbial Appaholicunt hair. Let's go ahead play by the same rules like gentleman.

I was only kidding about the gentleman part. BTW can you believe that you guys had less that a yard rushing per attempt in that game...Oh I've mentioned that before? Sorry about that then.
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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by Appaholic »

SUUTbird wrote:Well just to be sure i looked at your stadium on your website with a full capacity crowd and then Wa-Griz....difference is huge. And fine it may be your opinion, but one that makes no sense whatsoever to anyone else im sure.
Well, when you can pack 32k into Wa/Griz, give me call... ;) ...BTW, speaking of HS stadiums, I understand why you're bragging on Wa/Griz after seeing Eccles..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Do ya'll play your games on Friday nights with the rest of the Utah HS's? :lol:

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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by Appaholic »

Ursus A. Horribilis wrote:
Appaholic wrote:
And you're right....I can live with a Joe Burchette team dealing with that "travel" dilemma, snow, and the mighty Wa/Griz and losing by 3 in OT to one of the better all-time Montana, you're HS stadium is worth 1 pt, the weather 1 pt, and the travel 1pt......doesn't bode well for you guys if you have to leave Missoula......and I really hope we get the chance to play this year....we'll beat the griz like a rented mule.....
Alrighty Appa if you want to break down the points by loss that's up to you. That was not our NC team but it was a very good team that you lost to. The thing that's funny is that you try to mitigate the loss when it is used as a comeback to YOU bringing up the last two we had to two very strong teams that beat us by less than the point total you are defending. We lost both of those games by the proverbial Appaholicunt hair. Let's go ahead play by the same rules like gentleman.

I was only kidding about the gentleman part. BTW can you believe that you guys had less that a yard rushing per attempt in that game...Oh I've mentioned that before? Sorry about that then.
But, both of your losses were in Wa/Griz justlike ours....but that's not our home field....

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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by Ursus A. Horribilis »

Appaholic wrote:
Ursus A. Horribilis wrote: Alrighty Appa if you want to break down the points by loss that's up to you. That was not our NC team but it was a very good team that you lost to. The thing that's funny is that you try to mitigate the loss when it is used as a comeback to YOU bringing up the last two we had to two very strong teams that beat us by less than the point total you are defending. We lost both of those games by the proverbial Appaholicunt hair. Let's go ahead play by the same rules like gentleman.

I was only kidding about the gentleman part. BTW can you believe that you guys had less that a yard rushing per attempt in that game...Oh I've mentioned that before? Sorry about that then.
But, both of your losses were in Wa/Griz justlike ours....but that's not our home field....
Yes Appa, I know, teams never lose at home...I get it.
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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by mtgrizfankb »

Appaholic wrote:
Ursus A. Horribilis wrote: Hell, the fact that I don't have to consider myself an East Coaster alone is worth conceding this point to you. Congrats on those last two games and keep sending someone else out here if you want the job done properly.

And you're right....I can live with a Joe Burchette team dealing with that "travel" dilemma, snow, and the mighty Wa/Griz and losing by 3 in OT to one of the better all-time Montana, you're HS stadium is worth 1 pt, the weather 1 pt, and the travel 1pt......doesn't bode well for you guys if you have to leave Missoula......and I really hope we get the chance to play this year....we'll beat the griz like a rented mule.....
Appa- your so ignorant. you know ya your team has got lucky and won the NC 3 times. You really have gotten lucky though. YOu cant hate Wa Griz fact is the only REAL Stadium ESPN likes to reconize in the FCS IS WA GRIZ!!! that means something. WE are the loudest stadium, WE are prob the best looking stadium, we also play in the 90's in the first week to a foot of snow in the playoffs. Your one great recruit class is on its way out!! taht means i think you guys need to not be picking on some of the best teams in FCS. stick to your conf. and i want you to lose to travel to Wa Griz.... i promise Wa Griz will leave its affect on your team!!!! with more than a few FS's. App st fans are so ignorant.. we give props to your great FCS teams so why dont you give it in return??
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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by mtgrizfankb »

PS. we dont need 32k, if we can make it alot louder than that was. which if you rag on montana we will make it that loud
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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by SUUTbird »

Wow...again Appaholic we werent talking about the T-birds stadium even though yes it would be nice if it was upadated. It just proves that you have no answer to your ridiculous comment that me and several Griz fans have put to shame. Next time maybe you will stop being so ignorant and cocky and realize that App State doesnt have the best of everything, except maybe best location for shooting the squeal to deliverence :lol:
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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by Appaholic »

We're talking about Wa/Griz, right? With the "Double-Wide in the Big Sky" so aptly named Majestic gotta be kidding me....does the Majestic Plaza come with a laundromat?...Liquor store?....Adult Peep Show?....jeezus, you guys are killing me.....


And SUU, based upon that toilet bowl you guys call a stadium, you may want to sit this argument out.....

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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by Appaholic »

Ursus A. Horribilis wrote:
Appaholic wrote: But, both of your losses were in Wa/Griz justlike ours....but that's not our home field....
Yes Appa, I know, teams never lose at home...I get it.
That's impossible for you guys as you never leave home...... ;)

“It’s like someone found a manic, doom-prophesying hobo in a sandwich board, shaved him, shot him full of Zoloft and gave him a show.” - The Buffalo Beast commenting on Glenn Beck

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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by dbackjon »

Appaholic wrote:
Ursus A. Horribilis wrote: Yes Appa, I know, teams never lose at home...I get it.
That's impossible for you guys as you never leave home...... ;)
Says the man who's team refused a home and home with NAU, and doesn't play outside the Carolina's next year.
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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by Appaholic »

dbackjon wrote:
Appaholic wrote: That's impossible for you guys as you never leave home...... ;)
Says the man who's team refused a home and home with NAU, and doesn't play outside the Carolina's next year.'s worked for Montana all these years..... :shock:

“It’s like someone found a manic, doom-prophesying hobo in a sandwich board, shaved him, shot him full of Zoloft and gave him a show.” - The Buffalo Beast commenting on Glenn Beck

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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by weberwildcat »

Isn't Montana's stadium the biggest in FCS? I think its the only place that has seats all the way around. I've seen Apps, it looks more like Weber's not bad but not awesome, though I'm sure Weber's press box is much nicer.

Why is someone from App St talking crap to SUU? I'm pretty sure I've seen SUU in the NCAA Tournament more recently than App St (if they've ever been). As for football, yes, App is better but FCS football in the state of Utah is thought of to be more like DII or NAIA football.

Most people in Utah think SUU and Weber are DII.



Also, UM doesnt have a track around the field and ASU does.
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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by SUUTbird »

Alright Appoholic again go ahead and bash my teams stadium. Its quite apparent that i dont really care :D, And besides App States Stadium isnt much better then SUU's. they both look like HS stadiums with a track around the field. I just dont see how he can call Wa-Griz a HS stadium when App states could fit maybe in one of the endzones? And of course they dont want to leave home, the site of straight teeth and no banjos would freak their team out..... ;)
Last edited by SUUTbird on Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by Ursus A. Horribilis »

SUUTbird wrote:Alright Appoholic again go ahead and bash my teams stadium. Its quite apparent that i dont really care :D, And besides App States Stadium isnt much better then SUU's. they both look like HS stadiums with a track around the field. I just dont see how he can call Wa-Griz a HS stadium when App states could fit maybe in one of the endzones?
Take it easy on him Tbird. App St. is making some major improvements and is under construction right now due to a bunch of band wagonners like Appa. They are even going to have running water once the upgrades are completed next year. It's not gonna matter a lot to Appa but his sister will be able to warsh up after they have a little roll in the hay.
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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by SUUTbird »

Ursus A. Horribilis wrote:
SUUTbird wrote:Alright Appoholic again go ahead and bash my teams stadium. Its quite apparent that i dont really care :D, And besides App States Stadium isnt much better then SUU's. they both look like HS stadiums with a track around the field. I just dont see how he can call Wa-Griz a HS stadium when App states could fit maybe in one of the endzones?
Take it easy on him Tbird. App St. is making some major improvements and is under construction right now due to a bunch of band wagonners like Appa. They are even going to have running water once the upgrades are completed next year. It's not gonna matter a lot to Appa but his sister will be able to warsh up after they have a little roll in the hay.

Alright ursus i never meant this to turn into a smack talking forum, just unitelligent comments really get under my skin :D , and SUU is making improvements this year as well, supposedly were going to be getting a turf field and actually a decent scoreboard with a video screen so who knows. And isnt Apps sister his mother too? :lol:
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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by Ursus A. Horribilis »

SUUTbird wrote:
Ursus A. Horribilis wrote: Take it easy on him Tbird. App St. is making some major improvements and is under construction right now due to a bunch of band wagonners like Appa. They are even going to have running water once the upgrades are completed next year. It's not gonna matter a lot to Appa but his sister will be able to warsh up after they have a little roll in the hay.

Alright ursus i never meant this to turn into a smack talking forum, just unitelligent comments really get under my skin :D , and SUU is making improvements this year as well, supposedly were going to be getting a turf field and actually a decent scoreboard with a video screen so who knows. And isnt Apps sister his mother too? :lol:
You're right I should keep it clean on this thread. I'm glad to hear the improvements are gonna start rolling in Cedar City and hopefully the community will get out and support the team. If the culture were to change a little there I think the team would get a big boost out of it. Tough position for the Tbirsds down there but the altitude would help them with a little home field advantage as well.
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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by Appaholic »

SUUTbird wrote:Alright Appoholic again go ahead and bash my teams stadium. Its quite apparent that i dont really care :D, And besides App States Stadium isnt much better then SUU's. they both look like HS stadiums with a track around the field. I just dont see how he can call Wa-Griz a HS stadium when App states could fit maybe in one of the endzones? And of course they dont want to leave home, the site of straight teeth and no banjos would freak their team out..... ;)
See, now you're just talking crazy talk...we don't even have our stadium eclosed and you could fit SUU's fans and WaGriz fans in our stadium and the hill wouldn't even be filled.....face it, you guys ou west are daling with sub-standard facilities which lead to sub-standard performance on the field.... :geek:

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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by Appaholic »

SUUTbird wrote: And isnt Apps sister his mother too? :lol:
See, that kind of stuff kind of rings hollow when it's coming from Mormon country... :lol:

“It’s like someone found a manic, doom-prophesying hobo in a sandwich board, shaved him, shot him full of Zoloft and gave him a show.” - The Buffalo Beast commenting on Glenn Beck

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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by Appaholic »

weberwildcat wrote:Isn't Montana's stadium the biggest in FCS? I think its the only place that has seats all the way around. I've seen Apps, it looks more like Weber's not bad but not awesome, though I'm sure Weber's press box is much nicer.

Why is someone from App St talking crap to SUU? I'm pretty sure I've seen SUU in the NCAA Tournament more recently than App St (if they've ever been). As for football, yes, App is better but FCS football in the state of Utah is thought of to be more like DII or NAIA football.

Most people in Utah think SUU and Weber are DII.
Ya'll aren't DII? My bad....;)

Wa Griz is the biggest I believe, but App leads in attendance.....but not by much over Griz.....and Griz probably lead all-time...

“It’s like someone found a manic, doom-prophesying hobo in a sandwich board, shaved him, shot him full of Zoloft and gave him a show.” - The Buffalo Beast commenting on Glenn Beck

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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by Appaholic »

BTW SUUTbird and WbrWlCt, thanks for keeping me humored....were glad to have you on the board and, as you may have noticed, I like to instigate and rile people up sometimes, especially from out west......all in good fun....keep Ursus can attest, I'm actually not a bad guy and enjoy cracking a beer or two with fans from other schools....

“It’s like someone found a manic, doom-prophesying hobo in a sandwich board, shaved him, shot him full of Zoloft and gave him a show.” - The Buffalo Beast commenting on Glenn Beck

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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by Ursus A. Horribilis »

Appaholic wrote:BTW SUUTbird and WbrWlCt, thanks for keeping me humored....were glad to have you on the board and, as you may have noticed, I like to instigate and rile people up sometimes, especially from out west......all in good fun....keep Ursus can attest, I'm actually not a bad guy and enjoy cracking a beer or two with fans from other schools....
Damn it! I hate it when you put me in a positon where I have to agree with you.

This is a testimonial for all of you guys that are new to Appaholic's incessant ribbing. He is a hell of guy and me and many Griz fans got the chance to party with this year when he flew out to Missoula for the "Griz Challenge" which was a party that we had here for board members that could make it. The guy SOLD HIS TICKETS TO THE APP. ST./JMU game and flew out to Missouls to attend the festivities and meet the contingent/alumi from schools like NAU, N. Colorado, Harvard, UC Davis, and Griz fans from AZ, Seattle, and around the state of Montana. He is a true fan of the sport and a man that really know how to have a good time. If you were to ever get a chance to meet this guy I would highly recommend it, you will not be disappointed. He can take as good as he gives as I can see you all can and he should almost never be taken seriously...unless it has to do with buying him another beer. He is very serious about that.

Note to Appa..these guys from Utah kicked the living dog shit out of you. Work on it.
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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by putter »

Appaholic wrote:We're talking about Wa/Griz, right? With the "Double-Wide in the Big Sky" so aptly named Majestic gotta be kidding me....does the Majestic Plaza come with a laundromat?...Liquor store?....Adult Peep Show?....jeezus, you guys are killing me.....


And SUU, based upon that toilet bowl you guys call a stadium, you may want to sit this argument out.....

NOW DON'T YOU DARE GO TELLING EVERYONE ABOUT OUR SECRET NOW!!! ;) We were nice enough to envite you over and show you a good time but, what happens in Missoula -stays in Missoula.... :lol:

Oh, by the way I heard that you are keeping the grass ends open so that some of the coeds have something to eat during the game and some of the dudes have something to wipe their butts with. :shock:
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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by weberwildcat »

Not sure about football, but I do know SUU is on the rise in bball, got a great new coach last year, a Weber Alumnus even!! Roger Reid played hoop for WSU under coach dick motta in the 60's.
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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by dbackjon »

weberwildcat wrote:Not sure about football, but I do know SUU is on the rise in bball, got a great new coach last year, a Weber Alumnus even!! Roger Reid played hoop for WSU under coach dick motta in the 60's.
I did not realize that Reid was the new coach there - he is a former Suns Assistant, as well as former BYU head coach.
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Re: Weber State is my new Number 1

Post by weberwildcat »

dbackjon wrote:
weberwildcat wrote:Not sure about football, but I do know SUU is on the rise in bball, got a great new coach last year, a Weber Alumnus even!! Roger Reid played hoop for WSU under coach dick motta in the 60's.
I did not realize that Reid was the new coach there - he is a former Suns Assistant, as well as former BYU head coach.

Yes, and Reid was the only coach between the WAC and Mtn West that was even against Majerus at Utah, all the other coaches had losing records to the Utes.
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