Fair assessment on me not following evolution science (dont have time), and to add to that, when I have a chance, I tend to frequent evolution science that bucks the trend, so I would bet I am highly discriminatory - see a slight where none exists.CID1990 wrote:And Im not saying climate change isnt anthropogenicSeattleGriz wrote:
Not saying evolution isn't correct, but when an experiment doesn't fit the mold, the mainstream evolution group will find a way to cram it in.
Same thing as AGW. You don't like the data, find some way to say it supports your idea.
Both are trying very hard to shut down differing opinions.
By the way what empirical evidence are you quoting?
Im going to make an educated guess that you dont follow evolution science much- the scientific community involved in evolution research exhibits anything BUT consensus. Their debates and peer review processes are as acrimonious as any you will see- but they arent debating evolution itself
they arent trying to make evolution fit any kind of mold- it doesnt need to be shoehorned- the process by which DNA replicates itself imperfectly and in response to external stressors is empirical evidence enough in what is a veritable ocean of empirical evidence.
it bears no similarity to the AGW debate
like i said- nice try
I would do better to follow the actual scientists instead of the bomb throwers out there like Jerry Coyne, Nick Matzke, Richard Dawkins and PZ Meyers.
As you were talking stressors, i assume you are talking the current issue of epigenetics. Epigenetics is causing problems with the evolution world because it is neither mutation nor natural selection, the central pillars of evolution. It doesn't fit into their mold...and yes, they are trying to shoe horn it into the theory. Once again, these are the guys trying to sell books who speak for the evolution industry, so I may be taking liberties.
Lastly, could you please send me the link where they have documented the changes to DNA and how it has proven the creation of a new species? That would help me greatly to get up to speed. Thanks!
Now let's talk about the blind watchmaker!