Here we go again part ??

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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by CID1990 »

Skjellyfetti wrote:
CAA Flagship wrote: IF he has a gun, and is not complying to the commands, why give him a chance to fire the first shot? Tasers are not as accurate and not as quick acting. I can't blame an officer for shooting first under those circumstances. I would value my life over his if I were in that situation.
Well, first of all... you should know he has a gun before opening fire, right? :?

And, second... the Tulsa police department has said that the officer meant to use her taser... but, used her gun instead. They aren't saying that the guy was noncompliant, and therefore justifiably shot. They weren't saying he reached into his car and the officer shot thinking he was going to pull a gun on her.

They're saying she wanted to use her taser... but, used her gun instead. :dunce:

I think that helps eliminate racism as any kind of reason (though, the officer on the radio saying he "looks like a bad dude" because he's a large black man doesn't help in that regard).

If I accidentally shoot and kill someone - I'm probably going to be charged with manslaughter. Cops need to be treated the same. None of the typical: "Ooops! We'll put her on 6 months paid administrative leave!! That'll teach her!"

The dude messed up by being non-compliant. The cop messed up.... far, far worse by accidentally shooting the guy.

But, for whatever reason you don't want to admit that the cop **** up. Why is that? :coffee:
When you are a cop and you accidentally shoot someone it is not customary to simply be suspended and then reinstated.

Unless you are a contract employee in a union department.

You do that on my old department and you're going down.

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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by GannonFan »

I think the question that was raised about the shooting in Tulsa versus the shooting of the bombing suspect in NY/NJ is a valid one - how were cops in NJ able to subdue and apprehend that guy alive, wounded but alive, while the guy in Tulsa was shot dead? Are the cops in NJ just terrible shots and not as precise as the cops in Tulsa? When you shoot a suspect to subdue him does the shot have to be center mass (I heard that term in the movie "The Negotiator" - great flick) or can you hit him/her somewhere else where death isn't highly probable?
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by BDKJMU »

More rioting tonight in Charlotte. Gov has declared stye of emergency, national guard called in.
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by BDKJMU »

NASCAR Hall of Fame looted (along with a Westin and Buffalo Wild Wings). :ohno: :ohno: Goopd thing I made the NASCAR HOF last year after going to the Southern 500 in Darlington (and ate at that Buffalo Wild Wings next door. ... -shooting/
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by BDKJMU »

GRAPHIC: Chaos In Charlotte, NC; Two People Shot, CNN Reporter Tackled Live On Air ... _shot.html
Proud deplorable Ultra MAGA fascist NAZI trash clinging to my guns and religion (and whatever else I’ve been labeled by Obama/Clinton/Biden/Harris).
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by 93henfan »

This is our future until we go ahead and have the war that is needed and move past it.

We have to stop trying to appease the unappeasable.
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by Ibanez »

It's sad that people, who have every right to be angry, resort to violence and vandalism.
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by andy7171 »

GrizFanStuckInUtah wrote:
andy7171 wrote: Rule #1 is Double Tap.

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Then what is Rule #1? Cardio?
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by Ibanez »

andy7171 wrote:
GrizFanStuckInUtah wrote:


Then what is Rule #1? Cardio?
The Double Tap
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by 93henfan »

Ibanez wrote:It's sad that people, who have every right to be angry, resort to violence and vandalism.
Have every right to be angry about what? To be angry about false conclusions?

This is just a bunch of animals using whatever excuse they can to fling their shit all over the place. It's totally inexcusable. There's nothing sad about it. It's wrong and it should be squashed. I'm sick of even entertaining that this kind of shit is OK or that these animals are victims. They have had everything handed to them since birth. Affirmative action, targeted school and home assistance, government assistance out the wazoo funded by people like you and me who actually work for a living. They take a third of our paychecks away so these pieces of subhuman scum can support their pathetic lives.

Fuck them. Fuck them hard.

Whew, I feel better now <steps off soapbox>
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by Ibanez »

93henfan wrote:
Ibanez wrote:It's sad that people, who have every right to be angry, resort to violence and vandalism.
Have every right to be angry about what? To be angry about false conclusions?

This is just a bunch of animals using whatever excuse they can to fling their shit all over the place. It's totally inexcusable. There's nothing sad about it. It's wrong and it should be squashed. I'm sick of even entertaining that this kind of shit is OK or that these animals are victims. They have had everything handed to them since birth. Affirmative action, targeted school and home assistance, government assistance out the wazoo funded by people like you and me who actually work for a living. They take a third of our paychecks away so these pieces of subhuman scum can support their pathetic lives.

Fuck them. Fuck them hard.

Whew, I feel better now <steps off soapbox>
As a community, they have a right to be angry over legitimate cases of police brutality. But what's going on in Charlotte is deplorable. There's no excuse for the chaos and mayhem that is taking place. I'm not excusing their behavior, not at all. I agree with your sentiment. My comment is more of " it's a sad state of affairs that people resort to violence and vandalism."
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by ASUG8 »

It's evident that they aren't mad at the police - they're mad at white people. The overlooked fact that a black cop shot a black guy is irrelevant, but this apparently picks a scab against white people hence the "boycott" of white businesses. At what point in this instance did this become a white on black thing? Black cop, black chief of police, black victim, blame whitey. :ohno:

If they go through with this boycott, I guess only the hair and nails places will be getting any business. I guess they can loot the white businesses and that doesn't count as actually doing business with them, right? :coffee:
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by CAA Flagship »

Skjellyfetti wrote:
CAA Flagship wrote: IF he has a gun, and is not complying to the commands, why give him a chance to fire the first shot? Tasers are not as accurate and not as quick acting. I can't blame an officer for shooting first under those circumstances. I would value my life over his if I were in that situation.
Well, first of all... you should know he has a gun before opening fire, right? :?

And, second... the Tulsa police department has said that the officer meant to use her taser... but, used her gun instead. They aren't saying that the guy was noncompliant, and therefore justifiably shot. They weren't saying he reached into his car and the officer shot thinking he was going to pull a gun on her.

They're saying she wanted to use her taser... but, used her gun instead. :dunce:

I think that helps eliminate racism as any kind of reason (though, the officer on the radio saying he "looks like a bad dude" because he's a large black man doesn't help in that regard).

If I accidentally shoot and kill someone - I'm probably going to be charged with manslaughter. Cops need to be treated the same. None of the typical: "Ooops! We'll put her on 6 months paid administrative leave!! That'll teach her!"

The dude messed up by being non-compliant. The cop messed up.... far, far worse by accidentally shooting the guy.

But, for whatever reason you don't want to admit that the cop fucked up. Why is that? :coffee:
First of all, my statement was a generalization. It was not meant to address a specific case. Not sure why your response is attacking me as it relates to a specific case. I haven't voiced an opinion on the Tulsa, or Charlotte, case.

Go back and read the thread.
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by Ibanez »

ASUG8 wrote:It's evident that they aren't mad at the police - they're mad at white people. The overlooked fact that a black cop shot a black guy is irrelevant, but this apparently picks a scab against white people hence the "boycott" of white businesses. At what point in this instance did this become a white on black thing? Black cop, black chief of police, black victim, blame whitey. :ohno:

If they go through with this boycott, I guess only the hair and nails places will be getting any business. I guess they can loot the white businesses and that doesn't count as actually doing business with them, right? :coffee:
It's a mess. I think the underlying issue is, as I heard some by blacks on the radio yesterday, is that this is due to White Supremacy and black police officers are nothing more than 'Uncle Toms" and instruments of the white man.

It's maddening, to be sure. What is going to happen in this country to get on this other side of this? I honestly believe it's going to devolve into a protest where the "protesters" start firing on the police and we have a shootout, worse than what we saw in Dallas.
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by 93henfan »

I just wonder (actually no, I don't even wonder anymore) if these animals are too stupid to see the irony that they are protesting rough treatment by police by committing even more crime.

How does one negro cop shooting a negro with a gun who refuses to put it down when ordered turn into another protest against whitey, and downtown Charlotte businesses, and the NASCAR Hall of Fame?

Let's face it. These people just want a reason to go destroy property and steal from Walmart. But should we really be surprised that a group that has been appeased since birth and told (falsely) that they have such a harder road than a poor white person gets so outraged at the drop of a hat? Liberals created this monster by creating this false narrative that a black kid born in 1971 like me somehow had less opportunity. It's completely and utterly false and has created this situation where they think the man is holding them down.
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by 93henfan »

I see ASUG8 beat me to some of the same points. Nice work.
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by ASUG8 »

Ibanez wrote: It's a mess. I think the underlying issue is, as I heard some by blacks on the radio yesterday, is that this is due to White Supremacy and black police officers are nothing more than 'Uncle Toms" and instruments of the white man.

It's maddening, to be sure. What is going to happen in this country to get on this other side of this? I honestly believe it's going to devolve into a protest where the "protesters" start firing on the police and we have a shootout, worse than what we saw in Dallas.
Look at Chicago. Every hour or two when another black kid gets shot by another black kid the community is screaming about "we need more police" or "the mayor needs to do more". When cops do get involved, the same people accuse the cops of targeting the black community with excess patrols. You can't have it both ways - at some point you need to start self-policing your community and actively work with the police to get the problems taken care of.
I don't get the whole Uncle Tom mentality either. If there were fewer black cops, these people would be complaining about under representation and demand more black cops in the force. Those who do become part of the force, however, are trying to be white? :ohno: It's a no-win.
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by Ibanez »

93henfan wrote:I just wonder (actually no, I don't even wonder anymore) if these animals are too stupid to see the irony that they are protesting rough treatment by police by committing even more crime.

How does one negro cop shooting a negro with a gun who refuses to put it down when ordered turn into another protest against whitey, and downtown Charlotte businesses, and the NASCAR Hall of Fame?

Let's face it. These people just want a reason to go destroy property and steal from Walmart. But should we really be surprised that a group that has been appeased since birth and told (falsely) that they have such a harder road than a poor white person gets so outraged at the drop of a hat? Liberals created this monster by creating this false narrative that a black kid born in 1971 like me somehow had less opportunity. It's completely and utterly false and has created this situation where they think the man is holding them down.

Of course, you're a deplorable racist for not checking your white privilege. Honkey!
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by 93henfan »

Is it too late to get Lincoln's proposed Africa repatriation initiatives restarted?
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by Ibanez »

ASUG8 wrote:
Ibanez wrote: It's a mess. I think the underlying issue is, as I heard some by blacks on the radio yesterday, is that this is due to White Supremacy and black police officers are nothing more than 'Uncle Toms" and instruments of the white man.

It's maddening, to be sure. What is going to happen in this country to get on this other side of this? I honestly believe it's going to devolve into a protest where the "protesters" start firing on the police and we have a shootout, worse than what we saw in Dallas.
Look at Chicago. Every hour or two when another black kid gets shot by another black kid the community is screaming about "we need more police" or "the mayor needs to do more". When cops do get involved, the same people accuse the cops of targeting the black community with excess patrols. You can't have it both ways - at some point you need to start self-policing your community and actively work with the police to get the problems taken care of.
I don't get the whole Uncle Tom mentality either. If there were fewer black cops, these people would be complaining about under representation and demand more black cops in the force. Those who do become part of the force, however, are trying to be white? :ohno: It's a no-win.
We're in a Catch-22, I believe. I fully expect for some National Guard unit to be video tapped trying to keep the peace and then opening fire on a group of violent protesters.
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by Ibanez »

93henfan wrote:Is it too late to get Lincoln's proposed Africa repatriation initiatives restarted?
The American Colonization Society (ACS), also known as the American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Color in the United States, emerged in 1816 as a national organization dedicated to promoting the manumission of the enslaved and the settlement of free blacks in West Africa, specifically in the colony of Liberia. The ACS transported approximately 12,000 blacks to Liberia over the course of its existence. - See more at: ... cWPoy.dpuf
I'm surprised that group existed well into the 20th Century.
On that same day, December 31, 1862, Lincoln connected his name to a document that many of his adherents and later apologists would gladly forget: a contract with Bernard Kock, an ambitious and unscrupulous venturer, to use federal funds to remove some five thousand black men, women, and children from the United States to a small island off the coast of Haiti. It was Lincoln's last effort at colonizing blacks outside the United States, executed only one day before he was to sign a proclamation putting into effect his first official effort at permanently freeing slaves in the country ... w=fulltext
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by CAA Flagship »

ASUG8 wrote:
Ibanez wrote: It's a mess. I think the underlying issue is, as I heard some by blacks on the radio yesterday, is that this is due to White Supremacy and black police officers are nothing more than 'Uncle Toms" and instruments of the white man.

It's maddening, to be sure. What is going to happen in this country to get on this other side of this? I honestly believe it's going to devolve into a protest where the "protesters" start firing on the police and we have a shootout, worse than what we saw in Dallas.
Look at Chicago. Every hour or two when another black kid gets shot by another black kid the community is screaming about "we need more police" or "the mayor needs to do more". When cops do get involved, the same people accuse the cops of targeting the black community with excess patrols. You can't have it both ways - at some point you need to start self-policing your community and actively work with the police to get the problems taken care of.
I don't get the whole Uncle Tom mentality either. If there were fewer black cops, these people would be complaining about under representation and demand more black cops in the force. Those who do become part of the force, however, are trying to be white? :ohno: It's a no-win.
Thanks, Trump, for bringing a national focus on this.
As a major part of a plan to combat crime -- including the city's worst homicide rate in decades -- the police department said it will be adding nearly 1,000 positions to ranks.

The hires, which will take place over two years, will include more than 500 new patrol officers and 92 field training officers to help train the new recruits, Superintendent Eddie Johnson told reporters

Johnson said the major hiring boost comes after a meeting a few months ago with Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who helped Johnson build a plan to improve the department's strength. ... -officers/
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by kalm »

Ibanez wrote:
93henfan wrote:I just wonder (actually no, I don't even wonder anymore) if these animals are too stupid to see the irony that they are protesting rough treatment by police by committing even more crime.

How does one negro cop shooting a negro with a gun who refuses to put it down when ordered turn into another protest against whitey, and downtown Charlotte businesses, and the NASCAR Hall of Fame?

Let's face it. These people just want a reason to go destroy property and steal from Walmart. But should we really be surprised that a group that has been appeased since birth and told (falsely) that they have such a harder road than a poor white person gets so outraged at the drop of a hat? Liberals created this monster by creating this false narrative that a black kid born in 1971 like me somehow had less opportunity. It's completely and utterly false and has created this situation where they think the man is holding them down.

Of course, you're a deplorable racist for not checking your white privilege. Honkey!
Yeah...I'm gonna go with Louis on this one...

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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by Ibanez »

#CharlotteProtest Beating man begging for mercy in parking garage. @AC360 @seanhannity @BretBaier Credit:Lenard Bennett (facebook) @ncnaacp ... 0496594944

I don't know how to post videos from Twitter
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Re: Here we go again part ??

Post by Ibanez »

Businesses in the EpiCentre closed hours earlier in anticipation of the protests. Police also blocked off streets as the situation deteriorated outside the Omni. The Charlotte Hornets NBA team store, a CVS and the EpiCentre Sundries were later looted.

Read more here: ... rylink=cpy
Turns out I might be a little gay. 89Hen 11/7/17
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